This time of year, lots of people are making and canning strawberry jam. Though it’s a universally loved preserve, I find it to be one of the trickier jams to get right, particularly for beginning jam makers. One of the reasons that people struggle with strawberries is that the finished jam has the tendency to separate into two layers* once it has cooled in the jars.
If you are one of the ones who have struggled with this two layer jam, worry not. It’s not a sign of danger or even that you did something wrong. It’s simply a sign that there is still some air trapped in the strawberries. They are lighter than the syrup and so rise to the tops of the jars.
I find that this jam separation happens primary in recipes that call for relatively short cooking times or very large pieces of fruit that have not been given a long maceration period.
You can work to prevent this two layer effect by chopping the fruit into smaller pieces, macerating it with the sugar overnight, mashing it with a potato masher during cooking (this action is best if you’re noticing big hunks of fruit bobbing around towards the end of cooking), and even extending the cooking period a bit.
If you’ve taken these actions and you’re still noticing that your jam is separating during the cooling stage, you can gently shake the cooling jars to reintegrate the fruit and the syrup.
My preferred method of dealing with this separation is simply to tell people that I meant it to be that way and that if you want a more integrated preserve, that they should stir the fruit into the now-set jelly when they open the jars.
*This can also happen with other varieties of fruit as well, but is simply most common with strawberries.
Hi, I’m new to canning. In my first attempt to can I made cherry jam. I followed the recipe and had the same issue. The jars are all sealed, but I’m worried they might not be any good. Is there anything I can do at this stage to correct this? Canned them yesterday afternoon. Thank you! Beverly
There’s nothing you can do at this point. Give it a few days and then open one jar to taste. See how it is.
Great site! I HAVE A QUESTION: I’m new to canning. I made blackberry jam from French recipe which sat overnight in sugar before cooking. I did a water bath and heard the ping. NOW after some weeks in fridge, when I turn the jar upside down, it slides. Is this ok, especially for consumption. thanks for an answer
That’s actually pretty normal and just indicated a solidly set jam.
Thanks for the very helpful information on strawberry jam canning.
So glad to be able to help!
Thank you! We made strawberry jam last night and it separated. I thought we were going to have to throw it all away. What a relief!
So glad I could help!
Thank you for this! Just made a strawberry rhubarb jam with maple as the sweetener, it is BEAUTIFUL except for this layer of syrup at the bottom! Thank you all the commentators too, you’ve given me some ideas to try and reincorporate it. Only my second time making jam as Ive avoided it in the past due to all that sugar!
Really glad I read all of this. My strawberry jam was floating at the top. Now I won’t get a complex. And I gotta say Howard I LOVED your comment. It made me laugh a whole lot
That did the trick. I have fewer jars of jelly but I have a better result. Next time I will try your recipe. 🙂 Thank you.
I had this separation today when I made Hot Pepper Jelly. And it hasn’t seemed to set. It is very syrupy looking. It called for a very short time to cook. It has been over 2 hours and not looking promising. Do you have any suggestions?
This blog post might help:
When I made the strawberry vanilla jam from the web site, some of the juices boiled over so I lost some volume. That jam set up like a gummy bear. It tastes great and will, with effort, spread. ? No separation issues whatsoever.
I will say that I used about a tablespoon in a strawberry balsamic vinaigrette and the vanilla and strawberries married beautifully with it.
I had the same problem with peach jam I made a couple years ago as well as the Strawberry jam I made this week. I will definitely try some of the tricks listed above going forward. 🙂 Thanks!
I’ve had this problem with a peach jam recipe I like. I will chop finer (immersion blend maybe) and might try macerating it. I don’t comment often, but do enjoy your posts.
I use your vanilla-bean strawberry jam recipe (from your book) and I’ve never had it separate (3 times). I did realize this time, however, that my thermometer is 10 degrees (F) off. Argh. Why bother making them if they are going to be so badly calibrated?
Thanks for reading and taking the time to leave a comment, Diane! And I secretly included steps to help prevent separation in the strawberry vanilla jam recipe in that book, so I’m glad to hear that it has worked for you. Too bad about your thermometer, though.
Today I made a batch of your low-sugar strawberry vanilla jam and the maceration did the trick! No separating..woohoo! And then because the canning bug was on me I did the same recipe but with raspberries and no maceration and they did fine since they must not have so much air. My only gripe today was one jar that refused to seal. I processed it a total of 3 times and finally gave up…first time that has ever happened even after replacing the flat, finger tightening, feeling the jar edge. That jar is going in the garbage. lol
Thanks for the great recipes, the tutelage and the general hand-holding Marisa!
You can always put the unsealed jar in the fridge and eat it over the next couple weeks. You don’t need to trash it.
That’s what I’m doing…I should have written that. It just seems that particular glass jar wouldn’t seal. I put some of the jam in hubbie’s yogurt for work today. It feels so good having a lower-sugar product to serve him so I don’t feel guilty about wrecking his blood sugar. Really looking forward to your next book and the natural sweeteners!
Thanks for the post, Marisa! I have this problem frequently, and now I know why. Just in time; I plan to make some jams this weekend.
The best solution that I’ve found that works 95% of the time is to prepare the fruit, add sugar and lemon juice. Then let it sit for 8 hours or over night. This displaces the water in the fruit with sugar while making a ton of juice. Then cook as you normally would.
Thanks, Marisa! I’ve also noticed the top part of my strawberry jam turns from red to brown-ish over time. Any advice on this? I usually just stir it all together and it evens out, but it’s not very pretty to give as a gift!
Sadly, that’s just natural color loss. It happens more with lower sugar preserves than it does higher sugar ones. The only thing I know that helps prevent it is storing those jars in a very dark place. But even then, it happens a little.
What a great tip! This has happened to me a few times and I have drawn the same conclusion. As the true canner I am, I really enjoy reading your blog! You can always count on it for great inspiration!
Canned two types of sour cherry jam over the weekend and I had the same issue with separation. I made sure they sealed and then flipped them upside down for about 30 minutes. It pretty much took care of it. Now about the batch of Cherry Almond that didn’t set properly…I’m calling it ice cream topping and stirring it into seltzer water!
Oh, how I wish I knew this last year when I threw away a batch of your strawberry-rhubarb butter. I saw the air bubble trapped with the fruit, and was already nervous about the thick product with low sugar…oh well. I just made a batch with this year’s fruit and I will trust it this time. 🙂 Thanks for the Canning 101 series. After canning for several years I still learn stuff and I ALWAYS point my new canning friends here for tips.
Fruit butters often trap air bubbles and it’s perfectly safe. And I’m so glad this series has been useful!
If anybody makes any comments about something we canned, I just tell ’em: “If you don’t want it, hand it back. We’ll eat it!” The great flavor almost always wins out and we haven’t gotten anything back yet.
I’ve also tried letting the jam cool for an hour or so, then flipping the jars upside down for a half hour, followed by righting them til they cool. That seems to spread the fruit around a bit.
I try that technique as well, and it sorta works. I also have used the “shaking” method but then I sometimes find some seepage around the (otherwise good) seal. Strawberry jam simply remains my nemesis (tho’ strawberry rhubarb or strawberry plum or other blends I have made don’t seem to have this problem).
I had this happen with some strawberry jam this year and I reprocessed the batch with a bit more pectin, it came out better (maybe a little sweeter, but it is jam). I think I may have been trying to do too big a batch. I more often have the problem of the jam getting too hard – I have some very tasty strawberry vanilla jam from last year that is like fruit leather in a jar. I was thinking about melting it to use as flavor in ice cream base (I’m not going to throw it away!), but is there anyway to save it as jam?
Use it in smoothies and milkshakes. It adds another flavor dimension and is delicious!