Contact Food in Jars

Before you send me a question, please know that this site is written and tended to by just one human. It can take me awhile to get back to you. If you’re emailing me over the weekend, please be especially patient. I try to give myself a little time away from the computer on Saturday and Sunday. If your question is urgent, please consider joining the Food in Jars Community Group on Facebook rather than waiting for an answer from me.

Additionally, I cannot troubleshoot issues you’ve had with recipes I did not write. I cannot tell you whether something you’ve made is safe. And I cannot advise on issues surrounding commercial production. If you have any doubt as to the safety of your preserve, throw it out.

Before you ask a question, please check my Canning 101 archive, to see if I’ve answered your question already.

If you’re asking me about one of my recipes, please send along the link to the original post or specify which book it came from (I’ve written a lot of recipes over the years).