Preserves in Action: Jam-filled Pancakes

November 12, 2011(updated on October 18, 2023)
filled pancakes

Pancakes. For a website that supposed to be focusing on jars and the food that goes in them, I’ve sure spent a lot of time writing about the pancake over the years, haven’t I. Well, one more can’t hurt.

filling pancakes

Here’s my latest taken on the pancake. Heat and grease your skillet as usual. Portion your batter out, using a slightly lighter hand than you might otherwise. Keep the heat slightly lower, so that you have time to then dollop a spoonful of jam into the center of each pancake.

covered over jam

Then, carefully cover up that jam with another spoonful of batter. As you can see, you don’t have to be absolutely perfect as you do this, just do your best and don’t worry about those little slivers of jam still peeking through.

caramelized jam edges

As you can see, those areas of exposed jam will get caramelized during cooking and make for little pockets of deliciousness.

pancake with jam inside

And there it is. A nice, fluffy, wholegrain pancake filled with peach jam. Now, I must confess something right now. This technique is not my original brainwave. I spotted this clever idea on the blog Time Travel Kitchen earlier this week, when my internet friend and occasional Food in Jars guest blogger Melissa posted a link to a different recipe on that site.

Still, I think it’s an inspired way to incorporate preserves into pancakes and makes for a convenient to-go breakfast because with jam in the center, your sweet topping needs are taken care of.

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