One of the things that happens when I get close to a book deadline is that my life gets whittled down to the bare essentials. I work, I cook, I exercise, and I sleep. Things get very messy in my apartment, save for the moments of intense procrastination cleaning (the seams and edges of of my kitchen faucet have never sparkled so brightly).
Because the book I’m working on is not dedicated to preserving, my canning practice has really fallen flat in recent days. In fact, until I made this marmalade, it had been nearly a month since I’d canned anything. That’s the longest I’ve gone without firing up the water bath in the last decade.
However, no amount of book work is going to keep me away from Meyer lemon season. They’re only available for a short time each winter and since my order arrived from Lemon Ladies Orchard, I’ve been carving out little pockets of time to salt, dry, and preserve all that sunny lemon goodness.
For this batch of marmalade, I chose to boost the flavor with three ounces of finely grated ginger. I sometimes opt to add ginger flavor by juicing the ginger root, but because I’m short on time these days, I went for the quickest option that didn’t require cleaning another appliance.
I don’t mind having small bits of ginger flesh scattered throughout my marmalade. However, if you need the jelly component of your marmalade to be crystal clear, I suggest you make or buy ginger juice and use approximately 1/4 cup instead.
The other thing that got me excited to make this batch of marmalade was the fact that I had these snazzy Le Parfait 200 ml terrines in which to can it. I really enjoy using jars from Le Parfait because of their heft and sturdiness. They also make me feel instantly transported to Europe for far less money than a plane ticket.
Assembling Le Parfait jars for use is easy. Once you’ve given both the jars and the rubber gaskets a good washing with warm, soapy water, you fit the gaskets onto the lids, making sure that the easy-open tab is pointing off to the side of the jar (so that it doesn’t get in the way of the hinge or the clamp).
I warm them in my canning pot, and while filling take care to leave a little extra headspace, to ensure that there is plenty of space for the lids to close.
I’ve done a lot of writing about the art of making marmalade over the years, so I’m not going to rehash all those details here. If you’re coming to this post without ever having made marmalade before, I suggest you read these three posts before digging in.
Now, here is the fun part. I’ve partnered with my friends at Lemon Ladies Orchard and Le Parfait to offer a giveaway in conjunction with this post. Three lucky winners will get a Meyer lemon gift bag from Karen at Lemon Ladies containing three pounds of fruit and an eight-pack of 200 ml Le Parfait terrines (they hold about 7 ounces, just a touch less than a conventional half pint jar).
The giveaway runs until Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 12 noon Eastern time. Please use the widget below to enter!
Meyer Lemon Ginger Marmalade
- 2 pounds Meyer lemons preferably organic
- 4 cups water
- 4 cups granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup finely grated ginger
- Wash the lemons. Cut away both the stem and blossom ends and slice each lemon into quarters. Cut away the thin strips of white pith from the interior of the wedges and use the tip of your knife to poke out the seeds. Cut each quarter into thin slices from top to bottom.
- Once all the lemons are sliced, place them in a bowl (along with any of their liquid that you were able to capture) and add 4 cups of water. Let the sliced lemons soak overnight.
- The next day, combine the lemons, soaking water, sugar, and ginger in a large, non-reactive pan.
- Place the pan on the stove and set the burner to high.
- Bring the contents of the pot to a boil and cook, stirring regularly, until the contents of the pot have reduced by at least half and are starting to shape up into marmalade. You may need to reduce the heat as cooking progresses so that you maintain a low boil without scorching the bottom of the pot.
- While the marmalade cooks, prepare a boiling water bath canner and 5 half pints.
- Test for set using both the plate and temperature tests (required temp is 220F).
- When you deem that the marmalade is done, remove the pot from the heat.
- Funnel the finished marmalade into the prepared jars, leaving 1/2 inch headspace.
- Wipe the rims, apply the lids and rings, and process in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes.
- When the time is up, remove the jars and set them on a folded kitchen towel to cool. When the jars have cooled enough that you can comfortably handle them, check the seals. Sealed jars can be stored at room temperature for up to a year. Any unsealed jars should be refrigerated and used promptly.
Disclosure: Both Lemon Ladies Orchard and Le Parfait are providing the giveaway items at no cost to me. Le Parfait also provided the jars you see pictured here at no cost to me. No additional funds were provided. I paid for my lemons.
I’ve only ever made a blueberry marmalade. But I would love to try making a lemon marmalade!
Wouldn’t I love to get some of these “heavy” lemons and make some marmalade!
I am on my LAST Lemon Ladies lemon! If I had more I would do a classic marmalade
Isprobala sam recept i odlično je ispao 🙂
I haven’t ordered my lemons yet!! I would make marmalade…orange/lemon, ginger/lemon and vanilla lemon…must get busy!
I’d like to use the lemons for 2 batches of marmalade- this one and also a Meyer Lemon Prosecco marmalade that I tried from a friend.
I love this. I did Meyer Lemon Lavender marmalade two years ago. I’m excited to try it with ginger instead.
I’d love to try this marmalade recipe (mmm, ginger & lemon!) and salt-preserved lemons. Meyer lemons are such a special treat!
By happenstance (happystancej I just made a batch of triple lemon ( Meyer, Eureka, Jambhira) with ginger. But instead of grated, I put in chunks of crystallized ginger. I was hoping for little explosions of ginger in with the lemon. We’ll see! Thanks, Marissa!
Ah, this post is just in time! I have a handful of Meyer lemons awaiting SOMETHING. Marmalade would be perfect.
Have not preserved a lemon, other than in a mixed citrus marmalade a few years ago, so don’t have a favorite. Yet! This marmalade looks wonderful.
I would like to try making your lemon marmalade. I love all foods using lemons.
I,d love to try marmalade with them….the only marmalade I have made was with blood oranges and it was delicious.
That looks like it’d be lovely on scones.
Oops, submitted too soon. I’d probably do a few tiny batches of things as I’ve never used Meyer lemons. Salt preserve a couple, this marmalade sounds delicious, maybe do some scented sugar and salt….
I might make lemon curd, but I’d probably make your lemon ginger marmalade instead!
Hopefully you have a detailed recipe on your blog or in your book. I love lemons!
I love lemon on my seafood but hate the bottle kind so I would preserve mine to use on fish
Great giveaway! I would make some lemon marmalade to put in those pretty jars! Whatever was left over, I would most likely try to make lemon curd ☺️
I love the sound of this lemon ginger marmalade. I absolutely adore lemons and all their freshness.
In the great giveaway, I said I like preserved lemons the best. But really I like nice jars of tart lemon curd. I think I’ll make some tonight with a stash of egg yolks in my refrigerator!
Lemon curd…yum yum yum…
Obviously a batch of this ginger lemon marmalade! Then maybe I could talk my sister into making a lemon pie…..
I need to replenish my supply of salt-preserved lemons. I also like confit (candied) lemon slices, too.
This recipe looks delicious and I’ve been looking for something just like it because I, too, love Meyer lemon season and it’s so short! Thanks.
I’d make salted lemons!
Lemon ginger is one of my favorite flavor combos. I would love to find really new ways of using it. Like really different baking ideas or in savory cooking.
I would make marmalade or lemon curd with these lemons and jars!
I’ve never used jars with the rubber tab before. Is there a special way to process and test the seal?
Lemon curd!
I would make Lemon Squash marmalade with Lemon Balm — found this recipe when my garden exploded with yellow squash — I even won a blue ribbon at the local fair!
I live in the middle of country… fresh Meyer lemons would be amazing.
this sounds delicious, but did I miss the ginger? How much and when are you supposed to add it? Thank you!! I’ll be ordering Lemon Ladies this week to try my hand at limoncello.
Salted lemons. We love the bright lemon flavor on those dreary PNW rainy days!
Oh, wow! I would definitely make some of the lemon ginger marmalade and can it in those gorgeous jars, if I won. And with the extra pound of lemons, I’d like to try to salt preserve them, because I’ve never tried that before.
I haven’t preserved lemons before. I’ve got to try it. I like to make lemonade,though.
I would make this marmalade as I’ve never used whole lemons in any other preserve…I know, I know!
I would make marmalade.
Sounds yummy!
I’m getting down to the bottom of my jar of preserved lemons! Definitely time to make another batch. I’m also considering making homemade limoncello…
I love the sounds of your marmalade, but I will be adding even more ginger!!!
I love Meyer lemons and Le Parfait
I would love to make this marmalade. I love the lemon ginger flavor combination.
i used lemons and oranges in marmelade and those were a favorite of everyone. I want to try to make lemon curd.
I would love to do some dried lemon slices. I just made curd and salted lemons from a bag that a friend gave me but the freezes we’ve had in South Louisiana have wiped out all the remaining fruit!
Where’s the ginger in the recipe?
I loved trying salt preserved lemons last year and strawberry Meyer lemon marmalade. I would love to try this recipe and make a batch of lemon curd!
mmmm…. I’m in Florida right now for the winter, and the local seafood place has Meyer lemons. That marmalade looks scrumptious!!!!
Actually, my favorite way to preserve lemons is as syrup!
I’ve made marmalade with the Lemon Ladies lemons – omg so good
I’ve never thought about ordering lemons online–live and learn!
I’ve never successfully made marmalade. I’d like to get it right!
I would love to make marmalade!
Would like to try salt preserving as it seems very popular in some new cookbooks.
I would love to try this recipe out!
I would have to make this marmalade.
I would try salt preserving the lemons. That would be new and exciting!
For those of you who can’t find the lemons, please check out The Lemon Ladies on Facebook or by typing it into a search engine. They get your order out promptly, and you will never be disappointed. I’ve been ordering my box of sunshine for a few years now. You should, too!! I’m definitely going to make this ginger marmalade, a combination of my two favorite things!
I’m torn! I love marmalade, but I’d also like to make candied lemons or limoncello.
Marmalade! I’d also love to try candied lemon peel.
I just ordered my first box of Lemon Ladies Lemons. They were beautiful! Everyone loves the Meyer Lemon Sugar so far. It’s too early to tell about the Preserved Lemons, but we’ll find out in a few weeks!
lemon ginger marmalade
OMG! Most beautiful lemons ever! I just love using fruit from Lemon Ladies…I just made whole fruit jam and I feel a need to put up some more curd. 🙂
Preserved lemons. Lemon Curd. Marmalade.
I would store some puréed preserved Meyer lemons in the jars! I love being able to just dip a spoon in and not have to chop 🙂
I have been dreaming of a delicious lemon marmalade. And lemonade. And maybe some lemon ice cream.
Besides Marmalades and making Lemon Strawberry concentrate to can as well. I love to make candied Lemon Peels and put them in pretty or unusual jars or containers
made grapefruit last year – would try lemon this year!
I think I am going to give marmalade a try.
What a nice giveaway! I love marmalade, and will be making this very soon!
Intriguing, Marisa. If not preserving, what is your new book about?
It’s about cooking and baking with preserves!
I’ve been meaning to make limoncello but this looks very good too!
I would love to make marmalade – it would be beautiful in these jars!
I would love to make limoncello and lemon curd from the meyer lemons.
Love Meyers lemons. Recipe looks good.
I would make marmalade and sugared lemon peel dipped in chocolate – both are so perfect anytime of year!
I love Meyer lemons this time of year as it signals the coming of spring despite the freezing rain falling outside the window today.
I love making salted lemons.
I would love to try making some ginger meyer lemon marmalade…it sounds divine!!
I just finished a ginger meyer lemon marmalade a couple days ago, it’s delightful and is make it again in a heartbeat!
I just dehydrated Meyer Lemons to use in iced tea. My husband adds them to his gin. Delish!
I just dehydrated Meyer Lemons to use in iced tea. My husband adds them to his gin. Delish!
I would try my hand at the Meyer Lemon Ginger Marmalade in this post! Thank you!
Meyers make delicious salt-preserved lemons – that would be perfect for these jars!
Meyer Lemons seem difficult to get in the grocery store, so I’m definitely excited to learn about Lemon Ladies!
I think it’s time to give marmalade another try
Oh, yum! This looks amazing. I will have to try this.
Thank you for such a lovely giveaway! I would certainly be making this ginger lemon marmalade if I happen to be the lucky winner. I like the idea of leaving the ginger grated and maybe even adding a few teaspoons of ginger juice. I love a good punch of ginger.
I’m pretty sure I’m the only one that would eat a marmalade. Which is funny considering how much the other half loves lemon.
I made cara cara orange ginger marmalade from the original FIJ book two weeks ago! I over-cooked it, and it was a sticky mess. Last weekend my partner opened up all the sealed jars, heated the marmalade, added water, and re-canned it at a much more suitable texture.
I would love to try a similar project with the meyer lemons, but I promise to buy a candy thermometer first! 🙂
I love the Lemon Ladies! Got a box for the first time last year and it was an absolute ray of sunshine. My favorite way to preserve lemons is by salt preserving them–so yummy to throw into a pot of grains and greens.
salt-preserved lemons, and lemon shrub
I love getting lemons from the Lemon Ladies! There is nothing like making sunny lemon curd during a snowy winter here in the Northeast!
Love Lemon Ladies already and this recipe looks and sounds amazing. The jars are so unique, love them.
Ooh, this recipe would be the perfect way to put up lemons!!
I think I would preserve these lemons as a marmalade and maybe a curd. Never done curd before but I have tasted it and it is really good on English muffins for breakfast.
You had previously turned me to Lemon Ladies Orchard and have had the pleasure of ordering from Karen. My favorite item to prepare is lemon curd. Those jars are sweet!
I would probably try the recipe for marmalade that you just posted – it looks really good!
For some reason I have never tried making marmalade. This looks like a clean and simple recipe to try!
I loved getting my lemons last year. Made a ton of strawberry meyer lemon goodies.
I would definitely preserve these somehow as marmalade in those beautiful jars. I keep wanting to try marmalade, but getting meyer lemons in the part of the country I am from (way, way northern Wisconsin) is pretty much impossible.