I have another busy couple of weeks of classes, demos, and signings! Here’s where you’ll find me!
July 14
I’ll be at the Plymouth Meeting Whole Foods Market at 6 pm, demonstrating a batch of honey sweetened apricot butter with lavender. It’s one of my favorite recipes from Preserving by the Pint and I think you’ll like it too! Sign up by emailing Genevieve.Greco@wholefoods.com or calling 610-832-0010.
July 15
I’m teaming up with Weaver’s Way Co-op for another preserving class at the Chestnut Hill Friends Meetinghouse. The class is from 7-9 pm. Click here to sign up.
July 16
I’ll be at the Devon Whole Foods Market from 2-4 pm, making a batch of stone fruit jam from Preserving by the Pint and signing books.
July 21
I’ll be making a small batch of jam at the Media-Upper Providence Free Library at 7 pm and will have some books with me to sign and sell!
July 22
A preserves-focused dinner at High Street at 9 pm. Call (215) 625-0988 to reserve your seat.
July 23
I’ll be at the Collingswood Library at 6:30 pm, making a small batch of plum jam and answering canning questions. Book signing to follow!
July 24
Small batch canning demo and book signing at the Clark Park Farmers Market in West Philadelphia from 3-5 pm.
July 24
Canning class in the new, gorgeous teaching kitchen at the central branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia at 6 pm. Click here for more details and to register.
July 31
Preserving stonefruit at The Brooklyn Kitchen’s Manhattan location. Click here to register.
Is the demonstration on 7/21 at the Media library cancelled? I don’t see it on your event page and I can’t find it on the Media library website either. I happen to be in town and would love to catch an event!
Unfortunately, the Media library event is canceled. They forgot to put it on their calendar and so didn’t have the space available.