Links: Pink Pickles, Cherry Rhubarb Jam, and a Winner

July 14, 2014(updated on April 27, 2023)
Honey sweetened peach jam! Freshly made and ready for tasting at the Ambler Farmers Market!

I hit the wall this weekend. In a single 48 hour period, I taught one class, did three farmers market demos, and had a book store signing. By the time I left my last event today, I was entirely spent. So much so that I accidentally left my soaking jam pan in the grass when I drove away. Thankfully, one of the nice market organizers noticed my error and they’re holding my equipment until I can get back out there and claim it. Such is life!

Now, links!

A few nice mentions of Preserving by the Pint!

handmade gatherings cover

Thanks to everyone who took the time to share their stories of beloved parties and potlucks. The winner of the copy of Ashley English’s new book Homemade Gatherings is #151/Robin. She said, “I love potlucks – otherwise I worry about stuff during the whole event instead of just making sure there are enough plates and utensils and then enjoying my guests.” 

Robin, here’s hoping that this book helps you enjoy your guests even more!

Sharing is caring!

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3 thoughts on "Links: Pink Pickles, Cherry Rhubarb Jam, and a Winner"

  • Congratulations to Robin on the win.
    Not a good thing when you leave your jam pan behind but at least it is being saved for you.
    Great links, thank U and wishing you the best on your book tour

  • Yikes, sounds like quite the weekend (…and tour). Thanks for the link! Ferber is a genuis, I hope the fancy folks give it a go. 😉