I realized a while back that some people are totally confused by the various methods of communication I have listed on this site. So, in the hopes of clarifying things a little, I’m writing this blog post to show you the differences in the various methods and how you can sign up for each.
First up is the newsletter. This is an email I send out about once every two weeks. It details my upcoming events, rounds up some of my favorite recent blog posts, and very occasionally includes an exclusive recipe.
Next is the RSS Feed. If you use a feed reader like Feedly or Bloglovin, this is the button for you. You can either follow this link or just paste my URL into the “add content” field in your feed reader of choice.
Finally, there’s the Subscribe via RSS option. If you sign up for this, you will get a copy of every blog post I write delivered to your email inbox. I think that there are lots of you who sign up for the newsletter who are really looking for this option. Now you know!
In addition to these options, I regularly post my happenings, blog entries, and upcoming events to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr. If one or two of those are your preferred channels, please do follow there as well.
If you have any questions about any of this, please do let me know. You can either leave a comment on this post, or you can drop me a line via my contact form.
When I try to sign up for the Subscribe via RSS, it tells me I am already subscribed to the newsletter. Do I need to cancel the newsletter subscription to get the RSS? Thanks! Love your blog!!
You might have to search for it using the URL directly from the reader… Unless you’re looking for the email subscription, then just type in your email in the box where “email address” is written. If it is in fact the RSS you’re looking for, assuming you are already subscribed as it says, you should be able to find it in your RSS feed reader. Mine is phonely, because feedly isn’t available on Windows phone.
I love Food In Jars’ RSS feed and thank you for offering it!
I was hoping to come see you tonight at the Media U.P. Library is that canceled?
Yes, it’s canceled. They forgot to put it on their calendar and the space ended up not being available. So sorry!
Thanks for answering! I hope to catch you at a demo some day soon 🙂
Thanks you