Links: Pickled Okra, Lemon Balm Jelly, and a Kilner Pan Winner

July 22, 2013(updated on April 27, 2023)
strawberry boxes

I’m in Portland, OR for a week of family time (it’s my mom’s birthday on Friday). I flew out here this morning and after a long but uneventful day of travel, was greeted at the airport by my mom and nephew. I helped give Emmett a bath and then we wandering around the garden eating snow peas and a few of the first ripe blackberries of the season. It was heavenly and I’m excited for the week to come. Now, links!

Kilner Canning Kit
kilner winner

Now, the winner of the Williams-Sonoma Kilner Jam Kit giveaway. It’s #1723 (so many entries this time!), which is Michele Tebben. She said, “This is a new venture for me. I am learning about canning and preserving and I am about to begin purchasing all I need. At this time I am not sure what tool would be a favorite. I remember helping my Aunt can years ago as I stood on a chair at the stove to stir the berries while they boiled! Hot work on a hot summer day (no air condition)! But it was worth it! Good memories and yummy preserves!”

Michele, here’s hoping that these tools help you get started and become instant favorites!

Sharing is caring!

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9 thoughts on "Links: Pickled Okra, Lemon Balm Jelly, and a Kilner Pan Winner"

  • Hey Marisa,

    Great photography as always. That Kilner pot and metal funnel look so fantastic. Absolutely beautiful. Will have to keep my eyes open in the North for them. 🙂



    1. Thanks Camille! I’m having a terrific time. I always forget how beautiful and wonderful a place Oregon is.

  • I hadn’t heard of Kilner canning products before. I love pickled okra, but I don’t have a big enough garden to raise enough plants for pickling. Ce la vie…

  • Have lemon balm. Lots and LOTS of lemon balm! It’s bit late in the season, but a quick look at it – there are more than enough youngish shoots to make a couple of batches of the jelly.

    You would be welcome to some of this lemon balm, but it’s not within your easy reach.

  • Such a touching and heartwarming winning story. I didn’t need that new stuff anyway since my walmart equipment will work just fine. I’m grateful that I was able to afford it after losing my livelihood in the long and expensive battle against breast cancer.

  • The plum chutney and the lemon balm jelly look amazing!!! So many new things to try. Now I have to try to find a lemon balm plant LOL

  • Have an amazing time in Oregon! I was just there and enjoyed the most delicious fava beans. Black raspberries are just starting to ripen here in Colorado, and I am planning a visit to pick some, myself. Thanks for the links – especially the breakfast bars!