Goodie Bag Sponsors for the Food Preservation Retreat

June 7, 2019

One of the projects I’ve had cooking for months (in addition to these babies!) is the first ever Food Preservation Retreat. Fillmore Container and I are cohosting this daylong gathering for food preservation enthusiasts tomorrow (June 8, 2019) at the Lampeter Cafe in Lampeter, PA.

I’ve long wanted to throw an event like this and I’m delighted that it has come together as beautifully as it has. The lion’s share of the credit goes to the team at Fillmore, who have put so much work into ensuring that it will be an excellent day.

One of my hopes for the retreat was to put together a collection of useful gear that the participants could take home and put to work in their own kitchens. I think that the goodie bag we managed to put together is both useful and fun!

Our friends at Ball Canning contributed their new three-piece Utensil Set for Preserving. This sturdy kit contains a preserver’s hardest working tools.

From Three Springs Fruit Farm, we have jars of jam. These are all preserves made using my recipes and their fruit, which makes them extra-special. Participants will get either Tomato Jam, Salted Brown Sugar Peach Jam, or Ginger Apple Butter.

Pomona’s Universal Pectin (my favorite pectin when one is working with less refined sweeteners like honey, maple, or coconut sugar), sent everyone a box of their pectin. I’m going to be doing a session at 3:15 pm ET on preserving with natural sweeteners in which I’ll talk about Pomona’s Pectin that we will be livestreaming on Facebook. Tune in if you’re free.

The folks at Mason Jar Lifestyle sent their silicone jar drink toppers and stainless steel bands for all participants. And, they pair nicely with the handled drinking jars that Fillmore Container included.

We’ve also got labels from Alison from CanningCrafts, recipe handouts from Pomona’s Pectin and the Penn State Extension, and a handy coupon from Lancaster City favorite Lemon Street Market.

I’ll report back in on Sunday with a round-up of the day, along with a link to our live broadcast. Here’s hoping this is the first of many Food Preservation Retreats!

Sharing is caring!

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One thought on "Goodie Bag Sponsors for the Food Preservation Retreat"

  • The contents of the goodie bags were wonderful for new and old canners alike thanks to all the sponsors for your generosity