Canning 101: How to Use One Piece Lids

October 10, 2012(updated on October 3, 2018)

one piece lids

I find myself functioning within the “better late than never principle” more often than I like to admit. My frequent delays bedevils many in my life (particularly my punctual husband), but as I built this career as a writer/teacher/canning crusader, I find that there is nearly always more for me to do than there is time in which to do it. So tasks back up, I take days to answer questions and I don’t always do everything I promised within the timeframe I had hoped.

Like this post on canning with one piece lids. I had intended to write it the week I posted the Fillmore Container giveaway, but it just didn’t happen then. Happily, it’s happening today. Better late than never, right?

different lid styles

So. When it comes to home canning, the USDA and the National Center for Home Food Preservation recommend that we use mason jars with two piece lids. These two part lids are recommended because they are easy to use, known to seal reliably, and it’s easy to tell if the jars sealed (remove rings and grasp edges of lid. If it holds fast, it is sealed).

One piece lids are a little bit more mysterious. For a first time user, there’s not a lot of information about which one piece lids are right for home canning, how to prepare them for canning and even how tightly you should turn them to ensure a good seal.

covering with water

When you buy one piece lids for canning, you want to get ones that are lined with plastisol, have a button in the center (to better show that it has sealed) and are expressly designed for boiling water bath canning (do not order the ones that are for hot fill only). You don’t want to use lug lids, as they don’t fit mason jars.

When you’re ready to can with these lids, place them in a small saucepan (just like you would with your flat lids), cover them with warm water and place on the stove.

boiling lids

Bring the lids to a gentle boil, reduce the temperature and simmer the lids for approximately 10 minutes before applying the lids.

removing from water

When you’re ready to close your jars, use a jar lifter to pull the lids out of the water, one at a time. Make sure to have a towel or hot pad handy so that you don’t burn your hands while tightening down the lids. When you screw this lids on, you only want to tighten them to the point when you feel the rim of the jar make contact with the sealing compound. Don’t go any tighter or the air won’t be able to escape and you will have compromised your seal.


Place capped jars into your boiling water bath and process as you would any other jar. When the time is up, turn off the heat, remove the lid from the pot and let the jars remain in the hot water for an additional five minutes. This extended heat exposure helps reduce siphoning and gives the sealing compound just a little bit more time to soften and develop a relationship with the rim of the jar.

sealed one piece lids

Remove jars from water bath and place them on a folded kitchen towel to cool. Don’t hover over your jars, give them some time to create their vacuum. These lids often take longer to seal than their two piece brethren, so don’t start panicking if they take an hour or more to finally pop.

When jars are cool, test seals by pushing down on the lid of the jar. If the lid is firm and the button is concave, they are ready to be stored in the pantry. If you have any doubts about the quality of your seal, place the jar in the refrigerator and use the product promptly.


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172 thoughts on "Canning 101: How to Use One Piece Lids"

      1. Hi Iam responding how to use the one piece lids. I had talk to a guy about a year ago and he made salsa, he told me he turned the jars upside for 10 minutes 212 degrees I thought that was kind of strange was he telling me the rightway. Also about the plastic lids for canning barbque sauce ia that a good idea. Please email me and let me know what you think. Thanks

        1. That’s a process that is commonly used in commercial food facilities, but is not recommended for home use.

          1. For pity’s sake, these lids are not for the Processing! They are for after the canned item has been opened the first time! Who wants to mess with a two-piece lid every time you use the jelly? Sticky, sticky, sticky! A one-piece lid is SO much nicer than that. And if there is only one person to cook for, a whole quart of – beans? tomatos? whatever – is too much. So, spoon out the amount you need, and put one of these one-piece lids on the jar, and refrigerate it. As long as you use the canned goods in a reasonable period of time, there should be no problem.

              1. I am looking to use one piece lids largely because I can not find smooth side jars, clear with two piece which I am comfortable using. A label can not be be put smoothly on jars that have 2 piece – all varieties I have found. Know of any smooth side with 2 piece?

                1. Look at Fillmore Container. They have a number of smooth sided mason jars that can be used with two-piece lids.

        2. Iam trying to get information on how to use commercial jar plastic and glass different shapes than regular glass jars. I am making BBQ sauce and would like to market the product but there know info on how to can with the different type of jars if you could help me or lead me to the direction I need to go I would really appreicate it. THANKS GLEN

          1. Glen, I’m so sorry, but this blog isn’t a place to get advice on commercial production. I just don’t have that expertise.

          2. Glen – Did you find a source for commercial applications of one piece vacuum seal lids and glass jars. I also want to market a food product (olive dressing), but have no idea where to look for the jars or lids.

            And a source is needed for commercial equipment for filling, sealing, and boxing the end product..

  • I’m curious to know how you feel about using them. It seems they have a great advantage, in that you can use the same lid to close the jar when storing in the fridge after opening.
    I don’t think we can get this type in the UK, but I would definitely switch if we could!

  • I actually love them plus I recycle the lids after they’ve been used. Once I open a jar using the band and lid and haven’t eaten or used the entire product, I replace it with the used one piece. Makes it easier to open and close — no fumbling!

  • I’m pretty sure I’m answering my own question, but these can only be used once, correct? Just want to make sure it’s clear so folks don’t re-use them if they aren’t meant to be. Thanks for an interesting post – might try these next time I have a canning binge!

    1. Just curious if you received an answer on this question. Can one piece lids be used more than once? Thank you

        1. My wife and I regularly reuse vatious one piece lids with good results as the button lids are not easily available to buy new in New Zealand. We use the overflow method and fill to within a few millimeters of the top.
          Provided the lid is in good condition (no rust, pitting etc) and the sealing band looks in good condition they work well. Probably a slightly higher seal failure rate but that’s generally not a significant issue.

  • Thanks for this timely information. These would also be great to have for storing things in the jars after they have been used.
    A quick question: I have some jars my sister gave me that have no threads for screwing on a lid. They almost seem to have had a lid that must have snapped on. Do you recall these jars? I think they are Ball jars, but I don’t know what to do with them. Perhaps I will just use them as votive candle holders. They are small and squat and quite pretty.

  • Can you post sources for buying these lids- so thrilled about this and alway wondered. To that same point. Short of Wrek jars, do you have source sugg for plain jars sans the Ball logo etc ? Lets the fine tomatoes shine vs it all seen through MASON

    1. Go up to the link in this post for Fillmore Container Give Away. She’s got info on their plain jars and one-piece lids.

  • Just want to say that I love the bottom photo! I’ve been trying to think of ways to liven up my food photography, and the texture of that placemat is awesome.

  • Hi Cheryle, we’re company that joined up with Marisa for the jar giveaways…We have a large variety of clear, smoothsided jars on our site. I fyou’re curious, there are some examples of some of those pretty jars “at work” …filled with goodness on our facebook & blog.

  • Boo yah! That’s awesome! I’m going to experiment with one piece lids before training my clients – this is a great and super timely post. Thanks!

  • There is a link in the original Fillmore Jar Giveaway post to “one-piece lids” which goes to a Fillmore Container page of lids, but oddly enough that page does NOT show the correct lids for hot-water bath and pressure canning. Only “hot fill” lids are shown.

    I gather that “hot fill” is the industrial equivalent of the now-deprecated “open kettle” method of canning. Probably in an industrial setting, this method of canning is safe because everything can be kept sterile.

    The correct lids are called “G70 CT Gold Button Retort Plastisol”; here is a link to the correct page:

    I just received a dozen of these lids today, and plan to try them soon.

    If anyone finds another source of these retort or “high temperature” lids, please post a link. I have found nothing, aside from the Fillmore lids. It would be nice to be able to get them in wide-mouth size.

    1. Hello,

      I am in desperate need of a one piece lid for my sauce that I sell on my website. I use a pressure cooked canner. Any suggestions?

  • I have always been curious about canning. I too am interested if these plastisol one-piece lids have BPA in them. What are the advantages of using these 1-piece over the 2?

    1. I don’t know if these lids have BPA in the lining or not. I would imagine they do, though, as it’s the industry standard.

      The advantages of using these lids are that they look more professional (great for people who want to gift or sell their products) and that they are easier to use once the jars are open.

  • Marisa – great post. I am a novice canner, but I know that in Germany we had one piece lids and I could never understand why I needed to mess around with rubber bands and such.
    I read somewhere that one can use mayonaise or other jars that have a good thread and a screw on lid in good condition, as long as they are properly sterilized.
    On the popping, they don’t really seem to make a popping sound, but they are properly sealed and they can take several hours or even as long as the following day. Maybe that has to do with altitude and temperature.
    Canning to me is one big experiment and I’m luvin’ it!
    I’m definitely ordering some of those jars and lids – thank you for all the great information!

  • Thanks so much for your timely post. I’ve been pondering these jars for some time, but the USDA has me well scared. I did break through my phobia and purchased 3 dozen jars to fill with preserves for Christmas gifts. I just have an anal question to get me over my phobia…I purchased the 6 0z jars, so I’m guessing I should process per the written instructions for the time given for 2 piece lids/1 pint jars. I shouldn’t process any more or less for the 1 piece plastisol?

  • Can you please tell me the real purpose for boiling lids for home canning? Is it a sterilizing process… soften the plastic seal……??? And, if a jar does not seal, can you try to reprocess with the same lid or do you have to toss the lid and use a new one?

    1. It is not to sterilize (that happens during the boiling water bath). It is to soften the sealing compound. If you process a jar and the lid does not seal, it is best to start fresh with a new one.

    1. I use them regularly and they work well. Similar process to the Fillmore product. A bit expensive, but pretty jars if you have a few gifts you’re giving. Lids cannot be reused, but additional lids can be purchased for jar reuse. I purchase mine at the container store.

  • If the button pops down after pushing on it and does not pop back up (stays firmly concaved) would you say it has sealed?

  • Great article – thank yoU! I’m looking for ways to can roasted garlic spread. It’s pure garlic (no oil), and is the consistency of maybe a marmalade. I’ve ordered a hex jar and a square jar – both with lug caps, to experiment with. I also have small jelly jars and 1-piece canning lids like the ones you use in this article. What do you think would be most effective, or would any of these options work? Is there any danger of the glass breaking if I introduce them into the hot water bath when the spread is at room temperature?

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Rae, a spread made of just garlic is not safe to can in a boiling water bath. Because it’s low in acid, the only safe way to preserve it is in a pressure canner.

  • Where did you get the orange ‘do-flicky’ < high tech canning term, in the next to last pic? mine are all made of metal and seem spindly.

  • I recently bought some hex jars and one piece lids. They do not have buttons to pop so how does one know that they have sealed sufficiently?

  • I recently bought some canning lids that are solid 1 piece lids, they have no center button, are these ok for canning in boiling water bath, I am a pickle maker in Maine with my own business and am unsure if these lids are duds and I take this as a loss and if I should stick with the two piece lids?

    1. The best thing to do is to check in with the company from whom you bought the lids in order to determine whether or not they are safe for canning. The presence or absence of the button isn’t the only indicator.

  • I made blackberry preserves about a month ago using the process you describe, however, I did not leave the jars in the water bath for the extra five minutes. Now, I just noticed that on some of them the button has popped back up, which I assume means the seal has been somehow compromised. Is this a common experience with canning? Does it mean I should throw out the jam? And, do you think this was due to not leaving it the extra five minutes after processing? Thank you!

    1. It is not common to have the seal go bad in the manner you’ve described. It indicates that something is spoiling inside your jar. However, it should not have occurred because you didn’t leave the jars in the canner for the extra five minutes. Jars go bad for a number of reasons.

  • I have just been given 40 cases of self sealing jars from a aunt that just passed away (NO LIDS). Do you know, can I use the standard two piece lids (that come with the 1/2 pint jars) with these self sealing jars? The jars are very cute (square shaped), I really don’t want to give them to my husband to put nuts and bolts in. HELP!

    1. Do the jars have threads onto which a ring would fit? And are they of conventional mason jar mouth size? If so, then you can use regular lids and rings on them.

    1. Annabeth, you should check with the company that manufacturers your one piece lids. I just don’t know whether they’re safe for the pressure canner.

  • Hi there! I have just received some new jars with white one-piece lids without the button and was hoping someone would have some information on how to tell when they are sealed. The website I got them from said they were fine to use for canning. Any information would be greatly appreciated 🙂

  • plastic peanut butter jars work great with original lids, just use a thick grade poly (saran wrap), as long as the jar is fully cleaned, all the original seal removed, and the waxy cardboard lid insert is present. I use the same process as the one piece metal lids, but DO NOT LET THE JAR TOUCH THE BOTTOM OF THE CANNER. Takes a few practice jars to get the right amount of head space “I generally go for about 1/4 inch”, but when you get it right, the jar will stay rigid “once cooled”, and you can remove the top and see the poly wrap has dipped in. Note, use only bpa free jars, and do not exceed boil temps, “no pressure canning” Great for acidic foods, and foods with a preservative such as salt or vinegar, but please do not expect to keep foods such as corn, beans, or anything that requires pressure canning. It will work for a seal, but the high temps are not there for pasteurization required for long term storage. Try it, you’re family will say “Wow Mom/Dad, this is awesome!!!”

  • Okay so it has officially been 15 hrs since I canned my jam with one piece lids. Jam was hot, jars were in a 175 degree oven and I pulled out 1-2 at a time. I was in a hurry because I wanted to seal them quickly so some may have jam on rim. Lids were in a cake pan on the stove on 2 with just enough water to fill the bottom. 9/35 sealed and Im wanting to know if I do recan, reheat jam, and resterlize, how can I make sure they seal? Cover lids with water or 200 degree heating oven for the jars?

    1. I’m afraid I don’t totally understand what you did here. There are two ways to get one piece lids to seal. You either process them in a boiling water bath canner or you fill and flip. The issue is not with how you prepared the lids.

  • I’ve talked with several people who pressure can green beans with no water in the jars. They say the flavor of the beans is so much better, and they keep well. I’ve never heard of doing it that way. Is it safe?

    1. I’ve never tried it. I can’t imagine they’d hold their quality well like that over the long haul, though.

  • I read online that lug/twist plastisol lids should be used for water bath canning and continuous plastisol lids are for hot fill. I see in your example that you used continuous lids and wanted to know if you’ve ever heard about a processing difference lug and continuous plastisol lids.

    Thanks for all your help! This website was very helpful when I started canning a year ago and now I’m an addict.

    1. As far as I know, both versions of the lids with the plastisol lining can be used in a boiling water bath canner. But I’m not an expert in commercial processing. Fillmore Container is a really good resource for these types of questions.

    2. Fillmore Container carries continuous plastisol lids that they specify are for hot fill or shorter (under 15 minutes processing time) water bath canning as well as continuous plastisol lids that are specifically made for longer water bath canning (15+ minutes processing time) or pressure canning.

      I’ve never tried canning with lug lids, but I’d go by whatever the manufacturer specifies is the appropriate usage.

  • Will the one piece jars seal like the two piece jars when filled with hot…say tomatoes? I’m trying it now. Also, if they don’t seal can I put them into a hot bath or the oven?

  • I have received large amount of one piece white canning lids with white seal how do I use these to pressure can meats? Do they vent if used in this way?

  • I’m selling homemade granola at a Farmers Market. I’m putting the granola in a mason jar with a one piece lid.

    Is it possible to create a vacuum seal with this one piece lid and mason jar vacuum sealer?

    I know I can put a protective shrink wrap seal around the lid for a security seal, but I’m looking to keep it fresher longer.

    Thank you for any help.

    1. One can purchase many different products to sanitize lids and glassware without actually boiling them. Check out sites that sell brewing equipment and supplies. Some of these products have only a two minute contact time in tepid water.

      Rinse in boiling water if you like afterword and use immediately. This is especially handy for lids and rings.

    2. I can’t answer your specific question, as I am new to canning. But for dry goods like this, you might want to visit You could seal products for sale in special vacuum bags, in mylar bags, or vacuum seal in glass jars for home use.

      Their lids for glass jars are expensive, but can be used an unlimited number of times with their simple, plastic hand pump. They also have small plastic adapters available so you can reseal in the jar, over and over, using any type of foodsaver vacuum machine.

  • hi, an old post but I hope you can help me ~ differentiating types of lids. Are the one-piece lids for water bath only? Can I use them in my pressure canner, for things that need to be pressure canned?

    1. The one-piece lids come in a couple different varieties. Not all are designed for the high heat of the pressure canner. You’d need to ask the retailer to make sure you’re getting ones that can stand up to the intensity of the pressure canner.

  • You can use parrafin wax seal 1/4″ below rim (wax is not hard to do have used since i was 7 or 8 with grandma over 50 years now) then put one piece lid over top. Ifyou want to dress up put a circle or sqare of calico between wax seal and screw on lid, makes pretty for prizes or gifts or sales like at markets.

  • Can you tel me what brand of lids you are using? We bought some for our jam making business that say they are safe for home preservation but they do not have a clear button on them. They do become concave when used, and seal, but do not have a button. Thank you.

    1. It depends on which ones you buy. Not all feature sealing compound hearty enough for the heat of the pressure canner.

  • Hi, I live in India. My selection of jars is somewaht limited! I can get Eagle brand jars, with ‘airtight’ lid. These jars are not cheap. So, what I’m wondering is whether they will be suitable for canning, goods to be stored outside the refrigerator. I have noticed when I have made products and filled the jars, only hot products when I’ve filled the jars, when I open them after stori g them, in the fridge, there is definitely a vacuum created.
    I have a relatively large pressure cooker, the Indian whistling one, so I can pressurise the jars.
    Can anyone offer me any information which may be of use to me.
    Thank you,

  • Hello, I just bought a jar of home made apple butter at a country store. When I went to open it…the lid twisted off easily…no real effort…..should I worry that it is spoiled?

    1. It’s difficult to say with one piece lids. Does the apple butter look and taste okay? If so, it’s probably fine.

      1. Thank you, Marissa, for posting this information. I have some lids (also from Fillmore Containers) with the plastisol seal that I use for freezer storage of various foods and they are wonderful plus they come in cool colors. But regarding the spoilage of the apple butter, aren’t the pathogens that could be dangerous also tasteless?

        1. Dangerous pathogens that are tasteless can’t grow in products that are high in acid. Apple butter is high in acid, so the very worst that can happen is that it will either develop mold or begin to ferment.

  • Hi! I canned a bunch of sweet pepper relish ( with lots of vinegar ), pickled jalepeños, tomatoes and bloody Mary mix ( which both have a good amount of bottled lemon juice). I used one piece lids that are recommended for waterbath canning. They all seem like they have a good seal, the safety button is totally concave, and when I press anywhere on the lid there’s no movement at all.. But the lid is a little bumpy. I regret using the one piece lid because it’s harder to be sure about the seal. I was planning to give all these as gifts this Christmas, but this is my first time canning and I’m wondering if you can tell me if I can be confident that the seal is good. Thanks!

  • Hello,

    I live in a country where canning jars are imported and get quite expensive. I am considering canning (something) for gift giving this Christmas and will not be intended to preserve anything for a long period of time. Given this purpose, I was wondering if single-lid jars (similar to the Tostitos salsa jars) would be okay for this purpose.

    Would appreciate your insights. Thank you very much.

  • What about those cute little one-piece gold lids you can buy for 1-ounce jars? I am canning jam as wedding favors, but I couldn’t tell from my test batch whether the lids had sealed or not. One of them actually seemed loose when I opened it. Is there a trick to these? Thanks so much.

    1. I too need an answer to this question,I have 32 jars and don’t know if it is sealed.these are 2 oz one piece lid,that I am using as wedding favorite

      1. The only way to tell is to do a close inspection and see if the lid has depressed at all. If the jars are sealed, the lids will be at least slightly concave.

  • Hi. I am very new in canning and I live in the Philippines. I am starting to cook plant-based meals and I want to put it in bottles. The glass jars are 200ml (net weight of food is 213g only). Plus the lids we have here are lug lids, one piece lids. Then I find out that these lids are not recommended for pressure canning. I was okay and about to order a pressure canner. Then with more research here online, my lids should not be used.
    My question is, what do I do? Will I use the water bath? Even that is not recommended because most of my ingredients are low acid ingredients. I am torn and I don’t know how to can my jars now. And buying the Ball jars are too big for now and it’s a bit pricy here in the Philippines, so that’s out of the question..for now.

    Please help with any advise.

    1. It sounds like it’s just not safe to do what you want to do. There aren’t really any other options that I can think of.

    1. I don’t know! I’d suggest you reach out to Fillmore Container or some other jar and closure distributor to find out.

  • Hi. I just realized I have been using lug lids for my honeypot jars. I just love the decorative jars for my spiced plum butter. I did process them like you outline and they’re sealed. They pinged and created a vacuum. When opening its obvious they have been sealed. So I’m wondering why the lug cap isn’t not to be used for water bath. If everything seems ok, didn’t it work? Any insight?

    1. You can use lug lids for a water bath. You just have to make sure that the lids you buy have a lining that is designed for heat processing. Not all lug lids have the proper lining.

  • Hi I already completed canning with the one piece lid but they do not have the center button how do I tell if they sealed? Please answer ASAP so I know if I need to recan with different kids, thank you

  • I recently made pickled jalapeños I used a mason jar with a button lid that was originally used for spaghetti sauce bought from the store but the jar has the mason logo on in so I hand washed it and made the pickled jalapeños I took out the jalapeños with tongs then took the juice and poured it over the top as the instructions stated I then waited about 10-15 minutes for it to cool before closing the lid. I originally had no intention on using this method for canning I was just going to place in the refrigerator right away. After a couple hours I pressed down on the button seal and it stayed so now it appears to be sealed. Does this mean I could store my jar in a cabinet if I wish or should I leave it in the fridge and consume within the time allowable?

    1. It doesn’t matter that the jar formed a seal. It’s not a shelf stable seal and those pickles need to be refrigerated.

  • I just used one piece lids for the first time. Last season ran out of 2 piece and couldn’t by any so I bought the one piece online. I just made some salsa and used a different method and am not real sure about it with these lids. I boiled my lids as usual-jars were in the oven 1/3 full of water until very hot and sterilized-salsa kept at a slow simmer on stove. So one jar at a time dump water-fill-put lid on-tighten. Do you think this will be OK? I have used this method with 2 piece lids for different things for years. Give me your thoughts please.

    1. I wouldn’t trust it. Those lids are designed for a water bath, not the open kettle process that you described.

    1. It depends on the liner in the lid. Not all are designed for the high heat of a pressure canner. Typically, the distributor can tell you whether they are meant for high heat or not.

  • Thanks for the great info! I have new jars and one piece lids that I would like to can milk in. Wondering if you have ever done this? And if you have any advice?

  • Just bought vintage Kerr jelly jars that have a metal lid. These jars do not have a standard mouth. Any advice on making jelly with these jars?

    1. Are the old style jelly jars, with a flat metal lid that just perches on top of the jar? Those were designed for sealing with paraffin wax, which isn’t recommended anymore. Unfortunately, those jars are really only good for storage at this point.

  • Hi I have just watched a video when someone was using the one piece lids for pressure canning meat in the U.K. ! Is that ok? I thought it was a big no no?

    1. It’s not ideal, particularly since many one piece lids aren’t lined with high heat compounds. But it really depends on the lid.

  • I’ve been canning my whole life & have never used one piece lids. I recently accidentally ordered a set of jelly jars & lids on Amazon that came with one piece lids. I didn’t pay attention. It says they can be used for holding pickles & jelly, but it didn’t really say canning. I think they’ll seal, but I don’t want to waste my hard work if they won’t. I spent hours picking berries this morning. Should I try to use the lids that came with the jars or should I buy two piece lids?

    1. It really depends on the lids. If you can’t determine for sure whether they are designed for water bath canning, it would probably be better to get replacement two piece lids.

  • I bought the one-piece lids for Canning because stores were out of 2 pc last Fall.
    Now I can not tell if jars sealed. These lids do not have button on top just solid lid.
    Should I reseal all the jars?

    1. Are the lids solid or do they wiggle. If they don’t move up or down when you push on them, they are sealed.

  • I followed your instructions to the letter I believe and yet not one of 7 lids popped to show they had sealed. There should have been at least one pop after 3 hours. They do not move but are not concave either. Is it even worth it to try to can them again? I have no room for 7 jars in my fridge either.

    1. Some one piece lids don’t go truly concave. If they don’t show any motion, they should be sealed. It is harder to determine a quality seal with one piece lids.

  • I’m getting ready to place an order with Fillmore and cannot figure out which lid would be my best choice. I just want a one-piece lid that will seal well with open kettle. Hot jars, hot (dry) lids, piping hot tallow. Will the CT lids with plastisol seal well without a WB?

  • How tight are you making the one piece lids before processing and are you wrenching down on them once cooled or is the initial tightening sufficient?

    1. I tighten them until I feel the sealing compound come into contact with the rim of the jar. I don’t touch them once the jars are out of the canner because that could damage the seal.

  • I just canned 9 bottles with one piece CT lids. I closed them all the way and didn’t fill the water bath high enough……probably only 1/4 way up the jar. I left them in for 15 minutes or a minute or two longer. Took them out, placed on towel and no pops – it’s been about 7 hours. I sort of tried to test by pushing down on the center and there’s no give. I don’t have a clue whether they sealed or not! I’m concerned about a couple of things 1) water bath not covering enough of the jar…I think should be almost submerged leaving about 2 inches of the top of the jar out of the water. 2) I read something about not tightening the lid “all the way”…..

    This is my first time canning and bottling my bbq sauce. Can you help or give any advice please?

    Here are my questions

    1) How can I positively tell if my one piece ct lid sealed?
    2) If I can’t tell if they are sealed can I still redo the bath with the much higher level of water
    3) AND do I need to loosen the lid a little while processing then tighten fully when I take it out of the water bath and is it ok to do this with sauce cooled now?

    Thank you for any advice!

    1. The bottles need to be fully submerged or you need to be using a steam canner. Really, the only way to tell if they are sealed is by pressing. It’s not always easy to judge, but there’s not a better way. You can reprocess, but do not loosen and then tighten the lids. Put them on and leave them alone.

  • Thanks so much for posting this great information. I am also better late than never it’s OK I can’t wait to try them. Thank you so much. Great job Kiki.

  • Hi Marissa, I live in Portugal with at the moment high temperatures. My 1 piece lids from the Quattro Staggione jars I can get in Europe seem to have a high failing seal rate. Could that be caused by a high surrounding temperature while cooling? Also with the Ball and Kerr mason jars and 2 piece lids I seem to have a higher failing rate then in Scotland where I started canning.

    1. I find that those 1 piece lids are hard to use, no matter the temperature. Do you invert them after processing? I find that that helps with their seal rate.

      As far as the other seal failures, do you leave the jars in the canner with the heat and lid off for a few minutes after the processing time is up? That really helps the quality of the seals.

  • Hi Marisa, Ipthe link for your answer didn’t work, but eventually I went into canning 101, one piece lids and there was your reply. Yes I wait until it stops bubbling before taking them out of the canner, but maybe I should leave them longer. I never tried to put them upside down. I will give that a go. Any way thank you for the advice.

  • Hi Marisa,
    I just bought several 8.5oz Bormioli Rocco jars and one piece lids. I processed a few jars of fruit jam in a water bath and managed to get a good seal. But the last two batches didn’t seal and when I opened them to reprocess there was quite a bit of water sitting on top of the jam. Do you think I need to screw the lids on tighter before processing? (I turned very gently until I met a bit of resistance then stopped, but it seems the water got in during the water bath).
    Can I process the unsealed jam again within 24 hours (reusing the jars but with new lids)?

    (Just for background I filled hot jars with hot jam and immediately processed in the hot water bath. I only rinsed the lids before screwing them on because Bormioli Rocco says the lids are not meant to be boiled).

    Thanks a lot!

    1. You should definitely try to tighten those lids a little more. Unlike Ball jars, one piece lids need to be tightened until you really feel the sealing compound come in contact with the rim of the jar. And you can reprocess the unsealed jam again.

  • I want to know if these lids can be reused as they will not interchange with other jars and other lids will not fit the jars. My daughter ordered me 60 of these jars and I’m not to happy with them.

  • I want to make tiny sized jars to give away (the 1.5 oz) they only come in one piece lids and I can’t find anywhere how to seal them. Are there any tricks or will the same thing work for them?

    1. They should work the same as the ones I used in this post. The only thing I’d suggest is that you invert them after processing for 15 minutes to ensure that they form a good seal.

  • Can you elaborate on your sources as to why these are safe? We know $ influences things here, but curious how you got to your conclusions about the single pieces being safe.

    I have never made anyone sick, but do NOT wish to start.

    1. These lids are approved for commercial use. So we know that they are safe, because the safety standards are more regulated in commercial settings than they are in home ones. As long as you follow a proper procedure for canning your product, there is no reason that a lid that is safe in a commercial setting isn’t also safe in a home one.

      I’m a little frustrated that you are suggesting that because I was working with a partner on this post, that I would share something unsafe. Safety is always my primary concern.

  • Do you know of any water-bath safe 2 oz jars that could be used for jam/jelly? I’d like to be able to to a sampler basket that is shelf stable.


    1. The ones I’ve used in the past have been from Fillmore Container. They carry several varieties but absolutely have some that are safe for water bath canning.