Coffee Syrup Recipe

March 25, 2015(updated on October 18, 2023)
Mustache Coffee Club bag

I am on-again, off-again coffee drinker. I’ll go through long stints where I am deeply attached to a morning cup, only to suddenly switch to hot black tea with milk and honey. Currently, coffee and I are hot and heavy, so when the folks at Moustache Coffee Club got in touch and asked if I wanted to team up for a giveaway, I said yes.

mustache coffee beans

Based in Los Angeles, Moustache is a coffee subscription club where you can opt to get a bag of gently roasted, single origin beans on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. They roast and ship on the same day in the hopes of getting you the freshest beans possible.

3 ounces coffee beans

They sent me a 12 ounce bag of their Colombian beans (I was told that these beans were a medium roast, which is a little darker than their norm) and asked if I might like to make something with them. And so, I did.

coffee concentrate set-up

I made a sweetened coffee concentrate to use in making a Thai iced coffee analog (which I will drink sitting on a park bench, if warmer days ever come). I measured out 3 ounces of beans and ground them quite fine (I have this grinder and I love it. It’s pricy, but good for coffee obsessives).

pouring water

I measured 1 cup of organic cane sugar into a pint sized mason jar and set the coffee filter up over it, and brewed a very strong 12 or so ounces of coffee right into the sugar.

making coffee syrup

Once the jar was nearly full with coffee, I removed the coffee filter and used a small whisk to help dissolve the sugar into the coffee. It only took a 30 seconds or so of careful stirring until the sugar and coffee were fully integrated.

full jar

I put a lid on the jar and once it was cool, popped it into the fridge. It’ll keep for a few weeks.

In addition to making a faux Thai iced coffee (traditionally, it’s made with sweetened condensed milk and freshly brewed coffee, but I find that this method makes for a faster cup and I don’t have to deal with sticky containers of sweetened condensed milk), I also occasionally will stir some of the concentrate into fizzy water for a coffee-flavored Italian soda.

whisking sugar into coffee

Now, for the giveaway. The nice folks at Moustache Coffee Club want to give one Food in Jars reader a 12 ounce bag of their coffee. Here’s how to enter:

  1. Leave a comment on this post and tell me about your favorite warm drink.
  2. Comments will close at 11:59 pm eastern time on Saturday, March 28, 2015. Winners will be chosen at random and will be posted to the blog on Sunday, March 29, 2015.
  3. Giveaway open to United States residents only.
  4. One comment per person, please. Entries must be left via the comment form on the blog at the bottom of this post.

Disclosure: Moustache Coffee Club gave me a 12 ounce bag of their coffee and are providing an additional one for this giveaway. No additional compensation was provided and all opinions expressed were honest and my own.  

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198 thoughts on "Coffee Syrup Recipe"

  • My favorite hot drinks are broths and teas. Lately tried chaga and at times it’s good with coconut milk and a bit of honey for a creamy soothing drink. If I win this coffee giveaway, I’ll give it to my mom, who enjoys coffee.

  • love my morning coffee, super strong (espresso strong with IDchocolate caramel syrup. i like to make coffee ice cubes with leftover and use them in kahlua drinks and iced coffee drinks. always willing to try a new coffee

  • Coffee with cream (for now), but if it’s cold and rainy, definitely tea with milk (reminds me of my time spent in England!)

  • Right now it’s mostly tea for me. I drink a few cups every day. Though once Fall arrives I’m a sucker for any kind of pumpkin coffee I can get my hands on.

  • Coffee is at the top of the list. The list continues with black tea, chamomile tea, hot toddies, and hot water with lemon.

  • Yay, coffee! That syrup is a great idea, especially for summer iced drinks. I love way too many hot caffeinated (and non) beverages to pick just one! So I’m jut going to go with classic hot coffee with a little cream. So good. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  • All the coffee! My 2 year old knows we get up, make mama’s coffee (2 scoops!) and then start our day!

  • Coffee probably #1, with Biglow’s constant comment as a close second; so many childhood memories assoicated with that spicey orange scent.

  • Coffee will forever be my favorite warm drink. Black. I have every brewing method available: Chemex, French Press, Aeropress and the old drip machine. I never want to quit coffee, ever.

  • My favorite hot drink is a London fog. But in the summer I make a lot if cold brewed coffee concentrates to use with milk and this would be lovely for that!

  • My favorite hot drink is….tea. Earl Grey Supreme from Harney and Sons. Loose leaf brewed in a lovely tea ball I have.

    Coming in second is a store brand European Style Hot Cocoa which is the richest, darkest, chocolatiest cocoa I’ve ever had. I drink this brand exclusively in the winter.

    Sorry, not a coffee drinker.

    But my parents are.

    The coffee will find a good home.

    (Could this coffee syrup be used in making brownies and chocolate cake?)

  • I love a great coffee and tea drinks. I run the spectrum from a cup o’Joe, black and strong to the various hot or cold coffee drinks found in your local coffee house. I was a barista in the early/mid 80’s for a while so it allowed me to learn so many joys of coffee. My absolute favorite? A hot pulled expresso drink called a Valencia or Cafe Valencia. It’s a shot of expresso with a spoon of foam for coloring, added to that a teaspoon of orange rind, fine shred and dried. The smell is heavenly. Try it on a warm summer day on a porch with a great view. Ah, heaven!

  • My favorite warm drink has got to be coffee! Every morning! I also like a drink mix my grandma used to make called Russian Tea (I’ve also seen it called spiced orange tea.)

  • My cravings cycle based on the season, so most satisfying through the deep winter was mushroom broth simmered with vegetables and healing herbs. That extra nourishment even meant a (slight) decrease in my coffee intake.

  • I love a good cup of medium or dark roasted coffee sweetened with coconut syrup and a bit of half-and-half. Yum!

  • My favorite hot drink is wassail that I brew and seal up in mason jars every Christmas holiday. I love the smell of the citrus simmering and the lovely tastes of apple cider! DELISH!

  • I am a hot black tea with half+half and sometimes honey kind of girl! my boyfriend is definitely a coffee with sugar kind of guy. I love the idea of the coffee subscription as a gift!!

  • My current favorite hot drink is coffee with whole milk and a dollop of chocolate syrup. But I’m hoping it will be warm enough soon for iced coffee!

  • My favorite warm mug full depends on the time of day.
    First thing in the morning – COFFEE! With milk and a smidge of sugar.
    Late afternoon after a long day out in the cold – hot chocolate.
    Evening, especially if I’m feeling under the weather – a nice hot whiskey with lemon and honey.

  • My favorite warm drink is (surprise surprise) COFFEE! I love it, will drink it any time of day or night, and even when it’s 100* still love it hot!

  • Warm soy, or better these days, almond milk with a touch of cinnamon, nutmeg, and turmeric. A dash of honey. Delicious and healthy.

  • I love my morning cup of coffee with just a little half and half. Also a big fan of the Earl Green tea from Zhena’s Gypsy Tea.

  • I love coffee and I especially love Vietnamese coffee. What a great recipe. I’m making it today.

  • It’s hard to beat a good soy mint mocha when it’s cold out. I’ve been drinking lots of mulled wine this winter too. In the interest of waistline and wallet preservation I’ve been drinking more home brewed coffee to get me through the day than mochas, though. Love the coffee syrup idea!

  • I’m not a coffee-drinker at all, but my boyfriend is! To the point, that he can’t even speak in the morning (and make any sense) until he’s had his first sip. My favorite warm drink is a big pot of english black tea…I absolutely love it!

  • My favorite hot beverage is hot cocoa, spiked with something like Kalua. Or hot cider mulled with lots of spices. But a favorite memory is drinking the bottom of my mother’s coffee cup, all sugar and cream!

  • The first cup in the morning always makes the day so I savor it religiously! This recipe would be great drizzled over vanilla bean ice cream! Making it today. Thank You!

  • The best cup of coffee is one that you are sharing. My youngest daughter was the early bird of her siblings. We shared many a cup of coffee on the back porch over looking the lake before she went to school. Tops in coffee? Bless the camper that brews the first pot of coffer over our campfire. What a delicious aroma to wake up to. I enjoy a hearty coffee, dark no milk or sugar. Although a shot of whiskey in my coffee sure warms a body up at bedtime when tenting, P.S. My age is 70-years young, Have been a scout leader with the Boy Scout of america for thirty-seven years.

  • Once I dated a man. He was, happily, forgettable. But we drove once to SC and had some coffee at a coffee shop. It was a lovely Charleston day and we sat at a table outside and I ordered maple coffee. It wasn’t sweet, but had a deep, rich maple-y flavor. I have never had a cup of coffee so good since and fear I’ll never have one that good again.

    Although, every cup of coffee I have with my husband is far more enjoyable than any cup of coffee had before he came along!

  • I love blending hot coffee, coconut oil (and sometimes a tablespoon of grass fed butter), with a dabble of vanilla in a NutriBullet. I get a frothy cup of delicious, creamy coffee! Sounds weird, I know, but yummy!

  • My favorite warm coffee drink is either a peppermint mocha or dark caramel latte. They just make me happy. But, for real, I will always be incredibly attached to coffee and drink at least 2 pots on Saturday and Sunday!

  • Favorite warm drink…a good strong cup of coffee with half and half.

    Your coffee syrup is a great idea. Not sure what else I’d do but it’s fun think, maybe add vodka and cream for the White Russian, use as syrup over cinnamon icecream, use a bit in hot chocolate. THANKS!

  • I love a good latte. We are switching to a French press, so we are trying all types of fresh beans to find our favorites.

  • I drink a cup of coffee with some beef gelatin every morning. It’s the easiest way for me to get my daily dose of gelatin.

  • Fresh-brewed pour-over coffee with heavy cream, lots of sugar, and a couple of teaspoons of my homemade brandied vanilla (vanilla beans brewed in brandy)! Oh my.

  • Coffee made with fresh ground (local roasted) beans, a shot of toffee nut syrup or stevia, and whipped cream on top sprinkled with java sprinkles.

  • Strong black coffee for me too, although sometimes I will add a little sugar and cream in the evening. This recipe looks intriguing though, because we do like a frozen mocha! Think I will try it with a little chocolate and see how it works out!

  • My favorite warm drink is the caramel latte from a bakery that makes its own caramel sauce. It’s not fake tasting or overly sweet.

  • I am ridiculously fond of coffee with milk, sugar, and black baking cocoa powder added to it. I like this combination so much that I mix together my sugar and black cocoa and carry a small jar of it with me whenever I travel, and I also use it to flavor decaf in the evening, or even just make hot cocoa without the coffee at all.

  • I was a black coffee drinker until one day when I decided to add just a little heavy cream. Now I love coffee so much that I can’t wait to get up in the morning so I can have some more!

  • I learned to drink old black truck stop coffee while working nights to pay for school. Black coffee is still a favorite, although my standards are higher now!