Submit your April Mastery Challenge Projects!

April 18, 2017

Hello Mastery Challenge participants! We’re a little over halfway through April and the internet tells me that many of you have been busy making all manner of quick pickles!

In order to be counted in the final tally for the April challenge, please use the form below to submit your projects. Remember, you don’t have to provide a URL to be counted as a participant, but if you want me to link out to your project in the round-up, you do need to include the direct link to a blog or social media post.

Please get your projects submitted by April 28, so that I can get the round-up posted on April 30.

If the form below (it’s after the jump, if you’re reading this on the main page of the blog) isn’t working for you, you can also access the form by clicking this link.

Oh, and if you do post to social media, make sure to use the #fijchallenge tag to help spread the word of our preserving activities!

Sharing is caring!

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2 thoughts on "Submit your April Mastery Challenge Projects!"

  • Yummy but I went away for two weeeks and upon returning found my pickles soft. Any way to do fridge pickles and have them stay crisp for a couple weeks?

    1. One technique is to cut them into larger pieces. The bigger the piece, the few cell walls that have been sliced up. That leads to a firmer pickle.