Sponsored Post: Adopt a Beehive with Cox’s Honey

September 26, 2015(updated on December 16, 2023)
Cox honey bear

Honey is magical stuff. Made by bees from nectar, enzymes, and hard work, it is wonderfully sweet, tastes of its time and place, almost never goes bad, and is even said to have healing properties. I always have a few varieties in my kitchen and use them daily to sweet preserves, enhance my tea, or mellow the sharpness of a homemade vinaigrette.

Cox creamed honey

I have always longed to have my own hive, but as an adult, have never lived in a place where it was possible (darned high rise living). As a consolation, I make a point to support the bees by buying honey raised and gathered by conscientious humans and being educated about the honey bee situation in our country.

honey from Cox

Back in the spring, I got an email from someone at Cox’s Honey, asking me if I’d like a beehive of my very own. Intrigued, I wrote back. Sadly, they hasn’t invented a hive I could attach to my 20th story window. Instead, they were inviting me to join their Beehive Adoption program.

Cox clover honey

There are four levels of beehive adoption (bronze, silver, gold, and platinum), with various price points to match. No matter what level you choose, you get a welcome kit that includes a Certificate of Adoption, the GPS location of your hive, glossy pictures of your hive and the bees, a 12 ounce honey bear and 20 ounce container of creamed honey, and 10% off all online purchase at coxshoney.com. Cox’s Honey will also donate 10% of your payment to The American Bee Federation.

bee hive pictures

You also get regular shipments of honey with your adoption. The amount depends on the level you select (bronze level memberships get 9 pounds over the course of the year, silver gets 15, gold gets 20, and platinum gets 30). You can pay in either monthly installments or in a single, monthly payment. So many options!

adoption certificate

Being the honey lover I am, I said yes to Beehive Adoption and soon after, received my first shipment of Cox’s Honey. I love using their clover honey in my preserving projects because it has a mild flavor that complements fruit incredibly well. I recently made a batch of this Pear Vanilla Drizzle sweetened with honey and it is ridiculously good.

buzzing bee pictures

I realize that for some of you, it might be too early to start thinking about this, but if you’re beginning to ponder holiday gifts, a Beehive Adoption might be just the thing for someone on your list. Bee fans and home canners alike will appreciate both the thought as well as the quarterly shipments of honey!

Disclosure: In exchange for writing this post, the folks at Cox’s Honey enrolled me in their Beehive Adoption program at the platinum level, which has a value of $270. However, my thoughts and opinions remain my own.

Sharing is caring!

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8 thoughts on "Sponsored Post: Adopt a Beehive with Cox’s Honey"

  • That’s a cool idea!
    To those who say they wouldn’t use 9 lbs of honey a year, if you start replacing sugar with honey regularly, you’ll be surprised how much you use!
    I added 2 beehives to my yard this year, and thanks to the local vegetation, I will be able to collect several varieties of honey, including apple blossom and goldenrod. I also managed to land a kind of apprenticeship at the local nursery where I get my supplies, and work their hives monthly, which has been a fantastic learning experience!
    I’ve started encouraging my friends & neighbors to plant more bee friendly plants in their landscaping, and that’s been well received. One neighbor who raises & sells Daylilies said she wishes she had gotten hives years ago, this is one of her best years ever.
    You’d be surprised how excited people get when you tell them you have beehives. “Do you have honey for sale??” is usually the first thing they say.
    It’s been a fascinating experience, and I’m still in my first year. Learning about the mini society of a beehive is amazing.

  • I have a house but my yard is too small for a hive as it doesn’t meet the setback requirements for the city.

    No way could I eat 9 lbs of honey in a year.

    But I do love bees and am doing my part.

    I haven’t used insecticides in my yard for over 25 years.

    As soon as the rains hit this year I’ll be digging up my front yard to put in a raised bed vegetable garden. Among the vegetables I will be planting bee and butterfly friendly plants and will be putting in a bird bath water source in the middle.

    My local organic nursery has some beehives and I’m hoping that even though they are several miles away, I can provide some rest and food sources for any bees that happen to be passing by.

  • What a cool idea. I took a quick look at their website, thinking it might make a neat holiday gift for my husband, and I wish there was a smaller/cheaper option. Not primarily because of the cost, but because there’s no way my household would use 9 pounds of honey in a year!

  • Love bees, we need bees! What a super idea for a gift and no, it’s not too early to start thinking of those. Creamed honey sounds intriguing. I await your answer to Ann’s question.

    1. Creamed honey is simply honey that has been whipped to be lighter and spreadable. It has a lighter color than liquid honey and is great in tea or spread on toast.