Resolution Recipes – An eBook from Local Mouthful

January 19, 2018

Hello friends! I’m so sorry that it’s been so quiet around these parts. I’m deep in the creation stage for my next book and it’s been really challenging to shift my focus from the book and back to creating content for this site. I’m going to try to do a bit better, but inevitably things are going to be a little quieter around here until I get this manuscript turned in.

However, I do have something fun to share. As some of you may know, I co-host a podcast called Local Mouthful with my longtime friend and fellow food writer, Joy Manning. We’ve been making the show for a little over two years now and have had it in the backs of our heads for awhile to make a downloadable ebook.

Back in the fall, we decided to tackle that goal and so, with the help of a very talented designer, created a twelve recipe book that we’ve called Resolution Recipes. The name is inspired by turn of the year and the fact that many of us are moved to set food-related goals in January. We wanted to create a collection of recipes that could help you meal plan, meal prep, cook more, and increase your intake of plant based foods (we figured these were some common food resolutions).

The ebook includes Joy’s Instant Pot hummus, my favorite red lentil soup (pack it up in mason jars for a week’s worth of easy lunches!), a tasty tofu ricotta, and a blender vinaigrette made mostly from Sungold tomatoes (having some in the fridge will make you crave salad). We’re selling the book for $5 and if you’re interested, you can buy it here.

Sharing is caring!

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3 thoughts on "Resolution Recipes – An eBook from Local Mouthful"

  • Hi looking forward to downloading. I bought it early
    this morning when should I expect the link? Thanks Kate

  • The Instant Pot hummus was very good and easy to make. I’ll definitely make it again! I’m looking forward to trying the other recipes soon.