Photos From Last Week’s LA Times Canning Piece

August 12, 2010(updated on October 18, 2023)
LA Times article cover

As many of you know, a piece ran in last week’s Los Angeles Times food section about canning and the bloggers who use modern technology to share what they’ve been putting up. That’s Kevin West of the site Saving the Season on the cover (if you’re not reading his blog, you really should be). However, if you flip one page in, you’ll find me grinning out from the second page of the article.

88 | 365

Living all the way on the other side of the country from Southern California meant that I wasn’t able to see the article in print the day it came out. However, thanks to the power of friends and the speedy nature of the U.S. Postal Service, I had a copy in hand by Monday afternoon (thanks Carol!).

I was so pleased to be included in this article, but what thrills me even more about it is simply that such a large, national paper is talking about canning in a way that is both interesting and respectful (this recent piece in the Seattle Times also struck a really nice tone). Hurray for good press for canning!

Sharing is caring!

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18 thoughts on "Photos From Last Week’s LA Times Canning Piece"

  • Thanks for the tips, Chad and Emily Rae! Obviously – I’ve been going for the ‘aesthetics’ of having a beautiful row of matching ringtops lined up neatly on the shelf! I never thought of the economic aspect of re-using the rings, and it never occured to me that spoilage would be more obvious. But I agree, if there is going to be spoilage, why waste a perfectly good ring! Thanks again for the advice.

  • Isn’t it amazing? It was a couple of years ago I had to search high and lo for jars, as it wasn’t trendy yet to can. Lovely articles.

  • Isn’t it kinda funny? For years I got razzed about my canning addiction! Now – everyone wants to learn and it’s cool! Honestly – I’m thrilled to share the wealth! Total told star on the great press!

  • Congratulations! It’s great that more people are taking an interest in canning. It’s a craft that should never be forgotten or fall out of use.

  • I was so excited to see this article when it came out and that it included you! Now if the LA Times is featuring an article on canning, do you think that means I’ll be able to find canning supplies in LA with greater ease? Otherwise, I’m going to have to hope my mom stocks me up again this Christmas when I fly home. :o)

  • Congrats to you – much deserved and from The Times! Great cred!
    Thank you for being an advocate for canning and encouraging proper methodology. I would encourage everyone to enter items in a County Fair – you usually do not need to live in the County, is called Open Class;submit items canned AFTER the last day of the current year’s Fair – so start now and can all winter! Some Fairs have scores of categories for “pantry” goods, as well as honey, cheese, wine, beer, etc. Judges complete a comment card for every entry, which enables you to improve your skills. It was a total thrill for me to win 9 Blue Ribbons and 2 Champion ribbons in Boulder County Fair this month and it was only my third year entering a fair. Can on!!

  • That is just too fun, Marissa! It’s a thrill to see ones name in print; and such a cute photo, too. Congratulations!