October Sponsors: Cuppow, Fillmore Container, EcoJarz, Mason Jar Lifestyle, CanningCrafts, and Mrs. Wages

October 8, 2017

We are well into October and so it is high past the time when I like to thank the businesses that help make this site possible. Oops! Please do show them that you appreciation their support with your time and attention!  

First up are our friends at Cuppow. They are the creators of the original mason jar travel mug topper and the BNTO, a small plastic cup that transforms a canning jar into a snack or lunch box. Right now, you can get five of the wide mouth lids for just $40. Pair one with a jar and a bag of locally roasted coffee for a really terrific teacher gift.

Lancaster, PA-based and family-owned Fillmore Container are next! They sell all manner of canning jars, lids, and other preservation gear. As always, their blog is an amazing resource for all things jar-related. Don’t miss this recipe for Gingery Honey Pear Butter (I bet it’s fabulous in oatmeal!).

Our friends over at EcoJarz are on board again this month. They make an array of products designed to fit on top of mason jars, including cheese graterscoffee brewers, and stainless steel storage lids. And though it’s not directly jar related, I love this Stainless Steel Straw Set that they’re selling. It comes with a linen bag and a straw cleaner and is an awesome thing to tuck into your bag if you’re trying to avoid single-use plastic straws.

Mason Jar Lifestyle is a one-stop shopping site for all the jar lovers out there. They sell all manner of mason jar accessories and adaptors. If you’re in the market for lids, straws, sprouting lids, and cozies to transform your mason jars into travel mugs, make sure to check them out. Their cork jar stoppers continue to be one of my all-time favorite jar accessories.

Next up is CanningCrafts. Shop owner Alison sells an array of ready made and custom mason jar labels for all your various preserves, syrups, and backyard honey. I particularly love her line of labels encouraging people to return the jar! When next you need labels for a special project, check out CanningCrafts.

Our friends at Mrs. Wages are on the roster again this month. They make pectin, vinegar, and more canning mixes than I can count. Their website is an incredible preserving resource and I can’t say enough good things about their salsa mix. Look for a post next week in which I make their Pepper Jelly! Such a good one for those holiday gift baskets!

And if your company, shop, or family business is interested in reaching the food-loving and engaged Food in Jars audience, you can find more details here. Leave a comment on this post or drop me a note to learn more!


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