Links: Canning Aprons, Lemon Oaty Bars, and a Winner

January 12, 2014(updated on April 24, 2023)
January 11

I am snuggled down in my sister’s very cozy guest room in Austin, Texas right now. I arrived Thursday afternoon and head home again on Thursday morning. I’m here to see Raina and Andrew’s new-ish house and spend as much time reading books and playing trains with Emmett (it’s hard work and he takes it all very seriously). I’m easing back on my work time a little while I’m here, so if you send me an email and I don’t reply quickly, that is why. I’ll plug myself back into the frenzy soon, but for now, I’m enjoying the mellower pace. Now, links.

stacked half pint jars
january fillmore winner

I think we set a Food in Jars record with this most recent giveaway from Fillmore Container. A total of 2063 people left comments on the post, which just blew me away. I am so happy that you all love these jars as much as I do.

Our winner is #676, which is the comment left by Cory. She said, ” I resolve in 2014 to actually eat my way through the larder I created this summer and fall. Which means a lot of pickles.”

Cory, I wish you the very best of luck eating through all those pickles!

Sharing is caring!

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5 thoughts on "Links: Canning Aprons, Lemon Oaty Bars, and a Winner"

  • Congratulations to Cory on the win.
    Enjoy your visit with your sister and hope you’re enjoying this Texas weather as well.

  • Paging through “Food in Jars” I noticed the recipe for Amy’s Tomato Jam. Truthfully, the idea of jam made from tomatoes did not appeal to me. However, your introduction stating that you could not “go back to a life without it” convinced me to give it a try. So glad I did! After using a good share of it as a base for the best barbecue sauce I ever made, another batch became a necessity. Now I “can’t go back to a life without it”!