Links: Autumn Canning and Winners

October 28, 2013(updated on April 24, 2023)

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind. There were two classes in Washington, D.C., four canning demos across three counties, and a visit from my sister and her touring partner Becca. I’ve logged about 1,000 miles on the road and have canned my way through a bushel of pears. It has been good and it has been intense. I have one more crazy weekend coming up, and then things are going to quiet down a bit (and I couldn’t be more pleased). Now, links!

Progressive lid lifters
lid lifter winners

Thanks to everyone who took the time to enter the lid wand giveaway and shared their bargain stories with me. They were fun to read! The winners are…

Sharing is caring!

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5 thoughts on "Links: Autumn Canning and Winners"

  • Marisa, do you have any opinions on the food safety of direct canning the dried beans like that? If it works, it will be the answer to many, many of my prayers.

      1. Thanks for your reply Jeni.

        I have been planning to can some beans, using the NCHFP guidelines, but I would ten times rather not soak and pre-cook. So the instructions linked here (there are lots of oil-free versions online as well) are super enticing.

        But, I am also hyper-paranoid about food safety….

  • Thanks for linking, Marisa! I’m pretty excited about a healthy, ferment-full winter!
    And that pumpkin seed pesto looks amazing!