Links: Honey Sweetened Preserves, Apricots, and a Winner

July 15, 2013(updated on April 27, 2023)
The food swap potluck table is looking mighty lonely.

Last Sunday, I picked up a half bushel of apricots and a flat of sour cherries and then proceeded to spend every spare minute throughout the rest of the week trying to turn them into an array of jams, butters, sauces, and preserves. I lost a few of the very ripest apricots, but by sheer determination, managed to get everything else put up before time irreparably took its toll. I’m heading to Portland in just a week for a little family vacation, so I’m avoiding large fruit purchases and focusing on getting ahead in my freelancing work and blogging, in the hopes that I can focus on my parents, sister and nephew. Fingers crossed that the plan works! Now, to the links!

My offerings for tonight's food swap. Bourbon sweet tea and lemon basil syrups.

Now, a few links either by me or about me…

OXO Berry Pack

Big thanks to everyone who took the time to enter the OXO berry pack giveaway last week (thanks are also due to OXO, for sponsoring the giveaway. They are too nice over there). It was so fun to read about all your favorite OXO products. The winner is #730, Rachel C. She said, “My favorite is actually my OXO can opener. The grippy handles are absolutely AMAZING for getting the screw tops off of bottles with sticky contents that sit too long in my fridge.”

Make sure to check back in on Monday, because I’ll have another fun giveaway up that I think you guys are going to like!

Sharing is caring!

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4 thoughts on "Links: Honey Sweetened Preserves, Apricots, and a Winner"

  • Ok, so my first jam was too runny and I had to remake to thicken. But now that I want a syrup, I cant get the right consistency.
    Peaches come on with the festival this weekend. And we did 120+ ears of corn this past weekend. Even rebuilt some shelves to properly hold my jars and pots. and finished the last bit of the new garden.

  • Ok, so my first jam was too runny and I had to remake to thicken. But now that I want a syrup, I cant get the right consistency.
    Peaches come on with the festival this weekend. And we did 120+ ears of corn this past weekend. Even rebuilt some shelves to properly hold my jars and pots. and finished the last bit of the new garden.