We’re at the start of a new month, which means that it’s time to wipe the Mastery Challenge slate clean and begin again with a new topic. For March 2019, our topic is herbs!
There are so many possibilities open to us this month. Here are just the ones that spring immediately to mind.
- Pesto (preserve by packing into small jars, cover with a thin layer of the same oil you used to make the pesto, place lids on the jars, and freeze)
- Garlic herb salt
- Salt preserved herbs (this is what I’ll be making on my next Facebook livestream demo on Monday, March 4 at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT)
- Herb-infused jam
- Herb-spiked pickles
- Herbal lemonade concentrate
- Infused vinegar
- Flavored oils (for safety, make small batches and keep them in the fridge)
- Herbal tea blends
- Savory herb rubs
If you’re struggling to find direction for this month, I highly recommend trying a batch of hand-chopped garlic herb salt. It’s one of my favorite ways to use up fresh herb leftover from other recipes and it doesn’t require any special equipment.
Just a reminder that this is a food preservation challenge. There are lots of lovely non-edible things that can be made with herbs, but for the purposes of this challenge, stick to things that are designed to be consumed.
Finally, let’s recap how you participate in the Mastery Challenge. You choose a project that fits the challenge and you make it. Around the 15th of the month, I will publish a post here on the blog that will include a Google Form. You will use this to report your project (though this is not required, it ensures that I am able to include you in the monthly data).
If you want to share a picture of the thing you made, post it to Instagram with the hashtag #fijchallenge. And if you have questions, join us in the FIJ Community Group over on Facebook. Most importantly, have fun.