No matter how many spatulas and spoons I have, I can almost always make space for one more in my utensil jug. I swear, it’s not because I’m a hoarder (I get rid of my fair share as well). It’s because I’m forever on the lookout for excellent new tools. This explains why, when I spotted the new Lazy Spoon and Ladle set from Rachael Ray, I had to get them. Because what if that ladle was the perfect thing for scooping jam into jars? This inquiring mind had to know!
If you feel like you’ve seen these spoons before, you are correct. The lazy spoon concept is one that was originally marketed successfully by Jonathan’s Spoons. Rachael Ray liked the concept so much that she licensed the form factor and started producing plastic and silicone spoons in the image of those original wooden spoons.
At this point the question is, how do I like these spoons now that I’ve had them in my kitchen a couple months? I like them very much. They do not line up perfectly with my ideal spoon and ladle, but they’re darned handy when you’re dealing with sticky stuff that you don’t want to drip all over your stove or countertop. I wish that they were a little lighter and a little more supple (despite the silicone coating, they don’t have much give), but all in all, they’ve earned their spots in the utensil jug.
Now, for the giveaway. I have one set of these handy tools to give away to a lucky Food in Jars reader. Here’s how to enter.
- Leave a comment on this post and tell me about your favorite kitchen tool.
- Comments will close at 11:59 pm eastern time on Sunday, October 1, 2017. Winners will be chosen at random and this post will be updated with the winner.
- Giveaway open to United States residents only.
- One comment per person, please. Entries must be left via the comment form on the blog at the bottom of this post.
The giveaway is closed! The winner is #24/Julie.
Disclosure: Both the set pictured here and the giveaway set were provided at no cost to me by the PR team that handles the Rachael Ray line. No additional compensation was provided.
I have a number of one-piece silicone spatulas (several different brands) and I find myself reaching for them almost any time – I use them instead of wooden spoons both in cooking and baking, often instead of metal spatulas when stirfrying or other cooking, etc.
My silpat is my favorite.
I love all my kitchen stuff. The thing I love most is my All American 921. It’s not the thing I use most, but it’s the thing I actually want to hug!
I am new to canning, so new I haven’t even made my first batch! I attended a class/presentation you just gave in Haddonfield, NJ and can’t wait to start so the opportunity of getting a spoon set to help me get started is wonderful!!
It’s so hard to choose a favorite tool! I’d have to say a bamboo spatula/spoon that came with a wok I received as a gift over 20 years ago. The wok is long since given away, but when that bamboo pusher breaks I don’t know what I’ll do.
My old wooden spoons that my mother gave me when I first moved out of the house. That was over a decade ago and I remember playing with those spoons when I was a kid!
I have a wide spoon-shaped spatula that I use for just about every cooking job in the kitchen.
wooden spoon
Honestly, the silicone spatula is still my go-to kitchen tool for almost everything.
My favorite kitchen tool would have to be my KitchenAid stand mixer. I just love it so much!
My most-used is a mid-size chef’s knife, but my actual favorite is my Zyliss cheese grater.
My immersion blender for it’s convenience and my paring knife which I’ve had for years.
For making jam I have a ladle that has cup measurements on it so it’s easy to figure out how much I need to scoop out for half pint and pints.
This is a bit silly but I love the wooden tongs that I use to get my toast out of the toaster. 🙂
My favorite kitchen tool is my plastic bench scraper. I use it every week, at least 2 or 3 times, for making bread, transferring chopped vegetables from the cutting board. It’s inexpensive, takes up zero space in the drawer and is a multitasker.
One of my favorite kitchen utensils is a Rada knife that I use strictly for peeling potatoes 🙂
My favorite kitchen tool is a tiny spatula that is the perfect shape for scooping the last little bit of peanut butter out of a jar, or for cleaning heavy ingredients like yogurt out of a measuring cup.
My mini-whisk! I use it for everything from mixing stir-fry sauce to beating eggs to whisking dry ingredients for baking.
My favorite is a double-ended silicon spatula I bought at a kitchen supply store years ago. I recently bought 2 new, similar spatulas but they don’t work the same at all!
I love to use a wooden chop stick when doing bacon and turning burgers.
I love my spatulas! They get every drop of batter or jam or pasta sauce or peanut butter and I love them for that!
My narrow silicone spatula is something I use every single day for a variety of things. I have three of them so I have at least one clean.
I love my microplane!
my favorite kitchen tool is my cheese press
Truly, my favorite kitchen tool is my hands. After that, I have an old chef’s knife that I love. Someone broke off the tip but I still keep it sharp and love the feel of it in my hand.
My hands. They work when nothing else will.
Favorite tool jar spatula
I have a wooden paddle about 18 inches long and 4 inches wide at the end. Works wonders for large batche’s of anything.
My rubber spatula!
I have a somewhat dull Microplane that was no longer cutting it for lemon zest, but I recently realized that it is a winner for grating garlic. I will never chop garlic again! I also love all my rubber spatulas for getting all of the goodnes out of pots.
I guess my paring knife, but I really have several I use all the time.
An old fashioned potato masher and immersion blender have become indispensable to me. I don’t know why it took me so long to catch on but now I can’t live without them.
P.S. Please tell your friend Amy that she is a genius. I have made 3 batches of her tomato jam. An annual must have niw!
Lots of workhorse favorites like my mini food processor and my vintage hand cranked nut chopper, several sizes of strainers and silicon spatulas but the tool I never expected to get so much use out of is the stainless steel funnel from my canning set …. works for repackaging nuts, baking powder, spices etc. Just not something that I ever expected to get so much use out of.
My set of spatulas in different sizes. I use them constantly.
My favorite tool is my Global chef’s knife!
My favorite kitchen tool is a Zwilling 8 in ceramic skillet…use it almost everyday…we are a family of two and can scramble eggs or sautée fish in an instant and clean up is a breeze.
Right now my favorite kitchen tools are my PowerChef and UltraPro cookware by Tupperware. I made the most amazing chicken pot pies (individual) in my UltraPro (freezer to oven) cookware and had one for lunch too! I plan on having my own food truck and am gathering the tools for my own kitchen on wheels. <3
I love my kitchen shears. Opening bags to cutting up chickens, I use them a lot.
My very favorite utensils are my Pampered Chef spatulas from more than 10 years ago! Have not found replacements that I love as much.
I love my metal measuring spoons, I use them so much and I don’t know what I’d do without them!
My favorite kitchen tool is my vitamix.
My favorite kitchen utensil is my Earlywood tasting spoon. I make a half gallon of tea a day in the warm weather, and it is ideal for stirring the sugar in the warm tea in the glass decanter.
My favorite kitchen tool is my red Kitchen Aid mixer. Somehow the red gives it an extra kick.
My favorite kitchen tool is my immersion blender
My favorite kitchen tool is my knife
I could not live without my kitchen aid food processor! Canning season is here, and I couldn’t imagine the time I wouldn’t save with my salsas, sauces etc!
Lately, my favorite tool is a novelty Christmas silicone spatula I received as a gift last year. It’s just flexible enough to scrape out bowls and pans but it can also get fond off a skillet. I was surprised a seasonally embellished thing worked so well but it has spent more time in the dish-drying rack than in the utensil drawer since I got it.
I have a wooden spoon given to me more than 10 years ago which I use almost every time I’m in the kitchen.
Two small kitchen knives are favorites to use. I couldn’t make pies or cookies without my rolling pin. The rolling pin was in a gift box at our wedding over fifty-three years ago.
My favorite utensil is my silicone spoon and spatula…I have two! Thanks for the chance to win these beauties!!
My favorite tool is an angled wooden utensil that is perfect for browning meats & mirepoix. I also love my box “chopper” – not sure what it’s called but my grandma gave me one a long time ago & there’s no quicker way to cube vegetables & fruits.
My favorite utensil is my wooden spoon that has a straight edge – the safety of wood on my nonstick plus that straight edge helps me scrape stuff up. Perfection!!
My current favorite utensil is my wooden spoon. I use it in making all my jams and jellies, soups and sauces.
My favorite tool is a scraper. I use it to cut bar cookies and to scrape dough off my cutting board.
My favorite tool recently is my food mill. We have a giant growth of concord grapes that are all coming ripe now, so it’s been getting quite the workout as I’ve been tackling them for jelly!
I love love love my Silpat silicone baking mat. I use it almost daily. You can smear sticky dough on it and nothing ever sticks.
I love my angled spatula – it’s the perfect shape for getting pancakes and chickpea omlets flipped with ease!
Tongs! I reach for them constantly.
My bamboo slotted spoon! I love being able to stir soups and things without splashing and it’s great for dropping eggs into boiling water for hard boiled eggs. I love it.
I bought the hand sleeve from BALL to use to hold hot jars. It is the best canning tool!
I loooove my fish turner!
I agree – the slow cooker is at the top. But it is a tie with it and my cast iron skillet – both bring incredible flavor!
My favorite kitchen items is mini silicon tipped spring loaded tongs. I have at least a dozen pairs and I use then all the time.
My Kitchenaid stand mixer. I love my Baby. My wife bought her for me, and I love them both equally
My favorites: my utility knife, bamboo spoons, and my metal measuring spoons (they go from 1/8 tsp to 1 T with a 3/4 tsp option).
I love my large spider tool
my kitchen tongs! I’m sure I use them five times a day. For turning veggies when I roast, grabbing hot potatoes out of oven, moving the green beans out of the pot and onto the plate, picking the plastic bag out of the sous vide pot and my favorite use for them is to grab the fabric blinds above my sink after I raise them for the day and I use the (very clean) tongs to reach the parts I can’t and fluff them perfectly into shape! I do that every day.
…oh my… fave tool?
Ball plastic screw on lids to use after opening a jar of canned something or making canisters out of jars!
Oh, and heat proof spatulas….any and all sizes!
My favorite – hmmmm, it is hard to choose – but I really love my pyrex 4 cup measuring cup. I use it all the time.
New favorite tool…parchment muffin tin liners….definitely no stick!
Can’t live without my Henkel knife! Makes all food prep easier and enjoyable!
My favorite kitchen utensil are my little silicon spatulas….but cannot live without wooden spoons.
My knives!!!! They can make all the cutting accessories in the world, but I will always go back to my trusty knives!
I maybe a little old fashion but a good old wooden spoon! Every kitchen needs a few of all sizes.
I just love functional kitchen stuff.
It’s expensive but worth it – my Thermapen digital thermometer.
Ooh, only one fave tool? Gonna go with my chefs knife….love that sharp edge to slice through all sorts of stuff.
My fave is a large wooden spoon! I need to share some with my bf. He has none.
My bench scraper – it’s so versatile, and so handy for transferring chopped produce from my board to a pot, that I can’t understand how I waited so long to get it.
My favorite tool is a certain wooden spoon that just happens to have the perfect combination of shape, weight, handle size, balance for me – I’ve looked for replacements for the unhappy day when this one bites the dust- no luck so far!
I love my immersion blender!
One of my favorites is a combination spoon and scraper from Pampered Chef. I use it for so many things.
My mini silcon spatulas
I love a good spatula that does not melt when you stir something hot with it!
My wooden spoons that I get at fine art shows. Made out of the most beautiful wood you can imagine. Some I have had for over 25 years and they look brand new.
I have a set of spoons that I love. 1 slotted, 1 solid. They just fit my hand and are the perfect weight. We had a fire and I was so lucky to be able o replace them.
My very favorite kitchen tool has to be my chef’s knife. Sharp and the blade is deep enough that I can rock it without scraping up my knuckles. (I have big mitts!?) My next favorite is my small offset spatula. I use it for leveling off sugar and other dry ingredients and it’s great for the bottom of the peanut butter jar.
An old wooden spoon that was my Mother’s and a silicone spatula I use for everything
My favorite kitchen is my ladle. It was a wedding present, and is intended to go into a soup tourine (sp?), but we use it for everything! It comes out when I’m filling jars, when my husband is making pancakes, and when we serve soup out of the very un-fancy pan or crock pot! It is my go to kitchen tool!
I have this one wooden spoon that is my favorite wooden spoon. The length is right, and the spoon part is nice a round shape… It’s basic, but I love using it.
My favorite tool is my zester. I use it all the time, on citrus fruit, on hard cheeses. with garlic or onions. It is right on the top in my go to drawer.
Hard to choose my favorite kitchen tool but I guess I would have to say my variety of wooden spoons
A smaller sized hand carved wooden spoon that I bought at Bent’s Fort in Colorado years ago. It feels just right in my hand and for a wooden spoon it is small enough to get into a jar easily. I just love how it feels and every time I use I remember the trip we were on when I bought it.
My present fave is one of my old spatulas. It’s metal with a wooden handle. I’ve been using cast iron alot lately and this spatula stirs, flips, scrapes like a champ.
I love my flat edged bamboo stirrer. It’s so great for jams and sauces, making sure nothing is sticking.
My favorite is a plain old silicone spatula. Great for turning frying potatoes, scraping last bit of peanut butter out of the jar, or making scrambled eggs.
Silicone spatulas! I use them for everything!
Not sure what it’s called but it’s a wide slotted spoon that is stamped with “lifts, whips, mixes, mashes, crushes, strains.” And it does all those things! I have two, actually, but my first one has a scalloped edge and it’s my absolute fave.
My current favorite is my stick blender. I only decided to get one a year or two ago. Once I started using it, I was kicking myself for taking so long to get it!