Cute mason jars labels and a giveaway from new site sponsor CanningCrafts! What more can you ask from a Monday?
We had a glorious, unseasonably warm weekend here in Philly. The balmy weather reminded me that while we’re still months away from strawberries here in the northeast, many of you down south are already well into your berry season and that it’s a perfectly reasonable time to start thinking about the 2017 canning season.
It’s a good time of year to start inventorying your empty jars, and to take a look at the pantry to see what’s all gone (I didn’t do nearly enough tomatoes last September and so that shelf is beginning to look painfully bare) and what remains. It’s also the ideal time to start thinking about getting some pretty labels for the preserves you’ll make this year.
Lately, I’ve been swooning over the labels and hang tags from new Food in Jars sponsor CanningCrafts. It’s a one-stop shop for all your jar labeling and decor needs.
CanningCrafts offers an array of labels to ensure that there’s something for everyone. You can choose between labels with blanks that allow you to write in your various preserves (good for folks who do small batches and rarely make a lot of one thing) or custom labels designed expressly for your project (a perfect solution for shower and wedding gifts – these pickle gingham ones are so cute!). They also offer hang tags, cookie kits, ribbons, and pre-cut fabric squares for decorating the tops of your jars.
I’m particularly charmed by the return jar labels. Shop owner Alison admitted that she first created these in a fit of frustration after her sister failed to give her back her jars again! I know that she’s not the only one to face that issue!
For this week’s giving, Alison from CanningCrafts is offering up five sheets of labels to three lucky winners. Each of the three winners will get to choose the labels they want from the shop! And for those of you who need labels now, Alison is offering all Food in Jars readers 10% off their order with the code FOODINJARS-MARCH2017. This coupon code expires on March 31, 2017, so get to shopping!
The custom labels are really cute!
I need to have the “return the jar” labels. For family members as well – a few are repeat offenders at not getting jars back to me.
I love them all – but I am partial to the gingham ones! Thank you for all the inspiration!
I like the red gingham labels. They remind me of my grandmother.
Wow… So many options! I will have to play eenie meenie miney mo!
I love the “return jar” labels!
I love the return label jars.
Love from the Kitchen of as it gives many options to me about what to make.
winning is easy but picking the prize will be very hard but im up to the task
Love the ‘return’ jar labels! Clever way of asking without sounding like a crazy canning lady!
I would choose either the “please return” labels or ones I can write on myself.
I definitely need the return labels.
The gingham are my favorite!
Some sort of “please return” label, I imagine.
Definitely the Return Jar Labels! Everyone needs to return their jars in my world if they want more 🙂
The return labels are darling. Great way to remind people to give back the empties.
LOVE those return labels!! I always feel a bit sheepish when I give them as gifts… like I’m asking for a some of the gift back afterwards.
The return labels – what a great idea!
I would choose the vintage maple syrup labels.
these labels beat my own any day!
The “return jar to keep me jammin” is so cute! I was very frugal with my giveaways this year because of jars not returned.
love the idea of return labels! i’d probably go with the fill in the blank ones, tho, since most of our jars stay at home. 🙂
I’m definitely in the small batch crowd so I’d want the “CLASSIC GINGHAM CANNING LABELS” so I can have matching labels for everything. I’m so in love with the gingham, absolutely gorgeous!
I’d love the cherry, plum, and apricot canning labels!
I would choose something that says “from the kitchen of”. I need something to label the items that I make so they look classier when I give them away, or just so others who use my kitchen know what’s in the jar (vanilla extract? almond extract? another mysterious kitchen experiment?) but I don’t always know ahead of time which experiments I’ll be dabbling in before plunging myself in headfirst!
Return jar labels are a great idea!
Labels are so cute!
I love the design of the blueberry jam and the sweet relish labels. Thanks for the giveaway – these labels are so fun, and practical.
I do very small batches of everything so I guess the blank labels would be the thing for me. Thanks for all the fun giveaways!
Love this idea.
I love the idea of the return jar labels. That is what I would probably pick.
Have been looking for fun new labels for my jars-these look great!
Return jar labels are pretty awesome. And anything looks neater than a sharpie scrawl.
They’re so pretty. I’ve been using a wax pencil for the basic functional look.
I especially like the personalized labels – makes for easy & great-looking gifts. Will definitely check out the CanningCrafts site.
I love the return jar , but the pickle one are too cute!!
Would love to try out those jar labels. They look perfect for gifting!
Love the return ones – so cute – never saw those before – Love Them.
Love these. They would certainly “fancy up” my gifts.
Really like the returned jars to me cuz they don’t grow on trees label. As many of you do, I give lots of jars away to friends, family and guests, always hunting for new jars at a reasonable price, this might help!
The return labels are AWESOME!
I really like the Return Jar Labels. How cute!
I love some well designed canning labels! Certainly beats my usual sharpie on the lid labeling method!
I use handwritten washable labels now but would love a set of these, maybe pre-printed with my Christmas gifts titles.
Oh, yes, the ‘return jar’ labels are the best!
I’d have a tough time choosing! Love the gingham and return labels, but they are all beautiful designs. The relish one makes me want to make relish.
I NEED the return your jars labels!!!!
It would be a difficult choice between the one that jars don’t grow on trees or the From the Victory Garden ones. So many wonderful options!
The return jar labels are perfect! My family are good about saving jars for me, but I’d love to encourage others to send them back to me – especially since it also encourages reuse! I know, I know… who throws away a mason jar? Some of my friends, that’s who.
Love the pickle labels
I like the gingham ones.
Love the labels and the fact that they wash off easily!
Love all the “RETURN JARS” labels, but especially the RETURN JARS TO KEEP ME JAMMIN and Return jar for Refill
A very hard choice, but I love your vintage line!
Great idea. I always say, “This is a magic jar; it can be returned for a refill.”
Too many to choose from, LOVE them all!!!
Too many to choose from, LOVE them all!!!
The return jar labels are just what I need. Most relatives return the jars for refills; if not, no more pickled peppers. I also sell some of my canned goods at fairs and offer locals purchasers $1 off next purchase when they return the jar.
Such cute labels! I would choose the jars don’t grow on trees, perfect. Thanks for the opportunity!
Those labels are just darling!
i like the return jar. maybe it would help with jar loss
I love the “return my jars” labels as I don’t always get mine back. But love filling them up!
I love the return the jar labels and would absolutely use those!
Cute labels! Return the jar labels are the best!
Like all the labels but I like the CLASSIC GINGHAM CANNING LABELS
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity
Those return labels are clever and fun!
I do love the labels with return instructions! So cute!
I like both From the Kitchen Of the most. The Return For A Refill too…actually they’re all really cute.
I love the return labels & the from the kitchen labels.
Love the labels and the lids.
So cute! I can totally relate to the jars that wander the earth, never to return…maybe if they had those not so subtle return labels, some would make their way back home. Lucky for me I live in Amish country so have several shops nearby that keep jars stocked year round and at a reasonable price (since I’m a bit obsessed with everything canning!)
Love the labels, so pretty!
Give my jar back labels are definitely needed!
My favorite is “I want my jar back dangit!” 😉
Love the gingham! I could sure use these!
Return the jar……YES!!! And thank you!
Love them all. I think I’d choose the “from the kitchen of” labels.
Very pretty. I love nice labels because my handwriting is so awful.
Love the “From the kitchen of..” labels.
I love the looks of these labels.
I love the gingham labels and the applesauce!
Oh I would totally pick the return my jar labels! Too funny.
Cutest labels ever!
Love! Favs are definitely the return jars labels!!
Love to can and love the labels.
I love the return labels! Generic ones are always handy as well. Nicer for giving to someone than my usual sharpie on the lid
Love the labels!
These a great looking labels! I want them all, but would opt for some fairly generic ones should I be lucky enough to win. Good to know about these folks if we ever need something special for an event.
I love all of these labels, my favorite are the pickle jars.
I would love the return jar labels! They are cute and informative.
I LOVE the one about canning jars don’t grow on trees! So perfect and so needed 🙂 People want more apple butter or jam or whatever, but often don’t think to give me back the jars! Come ON…
All are adorable, but especially like gingham.
I would choose the return jars labels. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m loving the return labels!
Do you know they wash off easily?
Yes, our paper labels wash off easily. All you need to do is soak the jar or saturate the label with water for a few minutes. Then the label will slide right off the jar or lid without leaving a sticky residue.
The Merry Christmas ones are perfect all in one tags for holiday gifting.
Love the labels!!
What cute labels!
Love the return jar labels but they’re all cute! Really like the From the Kitchen of labels, too.