Ball Dry Herb Jars

May 30, 2013(updated on April 24, 2023)
locating the spice rack

The week Scott and I got married (nearly four years ago now!), my dad cut a giant hole in my kitchen wall and inserted floor-to-ceiling spice rack into a few inches of unused space. This had long been the wedding present plan, though looking back on it covering the apartment with drywall dust a few days before the big day wasn’t one of my better laid plans.

Still, I’ll never regret the mess, because I LOVE this spice shelf. Not only did it give me a bounty of additional storage space, the shelves are perfectly spaced to hold the canning jars that house my herbs and spices. Truly, it was one of the best presents I’ve ever received.

my spice storage

For the longest time, I thought I was the only one using slightly past their prime mason jars for this purpose, but in recent years, I’ve discovered that I’m very far from alone. And this spring, Ball finally recognized the fact that many of us use their jars in this way and released a product designed expressly for spice storage.

Ball Dry Herb Jars

Meet the Dry Herbs Jars. They are four ounce jars fitted with sturdy, locking shaker lids. I’m liking these herb jars for several reasons. I appreciate how large the holes are in the shaker lid (they’re akin to the ones you find on Parmesan cheese canisters) because they allow chunky things like kosher salt and red chili flakes through.

Herb Jar

I appreciate the slight rim on the edge of the lid, which means they stack with a sense of security. And finally (though this has nothing directly to do with their utility as a spice jar), I love the look of the smooth-sided four ounce jar. Would that they’d kick those quilted quarter-pints to the curb and sell these by the dozen!

shaker top

Disclosure: Ball has provided these Dry Herb Jars at no cost to me. However, I am unswayed by this gift and my opinions remain my own. 

Sharing is caring!

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841 thoughts on "Ball Dry Herb Jars"

  • I refill old glass spice containers from the store and the 4oz quilted jars. I’m ecstatic that they now come in smooth ones.

  • I have used jars from empty spices, crafty jars from Joann’s, old canning jars, zip lock bags. Whatever is left over. All jammed in a cabinet or the rolling cart that holds my bread making supplies.

  • I store them in whatever I can, usually the jars from yeast or the small jelly canning jars… but none of those have a shaker lid like these 🙂

  • Right now my spice jars are too tall to fit properly in my kitchen drawer so they have to be laid flat. Looks like these spice jars would solve that problem!

  • Small odds and ends jars for larger herbs and my new Ball spice jars for my home dried crushed herbs. Still need another set though, but alas, no cash.

  • I tend to re-use old spice jars, and have 2 shelves in my pantry devoted to them. One day I hope to have something a little more organized…I have a very happy herb garden and would like to try and dry more of what I grow myself.

  • To store my spices, I use jelly jars with plastic lids. I have a drawer that is deep enough for the jars to stand up in & I’ve written what is in the jar on the plastic lids…

  • My spice cabinet is a mish-mash right now. Some pint sized quilted Ball jars, some 8 ounce Ball jars, some recycled/reused plastic shakers from previous store-bought herbs. Spices are on a double-stacked lazy susan in my cabinet. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  • Miscellaneous containers. I’m a bit of a container freak and if I see unusual ones and can get them, I get them. Those little ball jars would be just right for the cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cloves that I have in bags in the fridge right now.

  • i store my spices in small glass jars in a spice cabinet created out of an old ironing board cabinet. it’s lovely.

  • I have these mini canning jars with pop off lids that are airtight. I used a glass marker to write the spice name on them. It was a good idea, so I thought, until I realized it’s not easy to distribute the spice without a spoon, or using my fingers (which is not the best way to use spice.)

  • My spice cabinet is a mish mash of a mess! Things fall out when I open, things get’s bad.

  • I mostly reuse spice jars from spices I’ve purchased not in bulk. But I do have about 5 of the ball 4oz jars in rotation as well. They are a great size for spices that I use most often. I would love to win this.

  • I buy many herbs and spices from an Arabic grocer where goods are packed in cellophane envelopes. Storage after opening the package is always an issue. This looks like a great solution.

  • I just use the containers the come in from the store. Except for all the different salts that my daughter loves to cook with, so far those are just in the plastic bags they came in. These jars would be nice to organize the salts. 🙂

  • Pesto out of everything. Herb butters in freezer. Dried herbs in food dehydrator. Grow em eat em. Love em.

  • I currently store mine in recycled spice jar, which are way too small. These ball spice jars would be perfect.

  • I have 2 spice racks that twirl that I bought off some home shopping years ago, and what doesn’t fit on that are in various recycled bottles and even some bags on small lazy susans.

  • Unfortunately I have them stored all over in a slew of different sized and shaped jars. Really quite a pain.

  • My spices are in various reused glass and plastic jars. There are none that match and on several do not have air tight seals. These new Dry Herb Jars appear to be the perfect answer for herb storage and an organized spice self. I just Love the concept and looks of these!

  • I have a shelf hung to the side of my stove, where all of my super important spices live, and the rest of them are on a lazy susan in a close-at-hand cupboard. It’s what is working out the best for me!

  • I use mostly mason jars (different sizes and styles) at the moment. I did put peel and stick chalkboard labels on them though, so they look cute.

  • I have been storing my freshly dried herbs in reused herb or spice jars that I’ve cleaned out and bought a few tin style storage jars but they don’t work as well. I saved sage in tin which worked but the container is now rusting and lid isn’t really that secure. I put the majority in a drawer and have them (when they are organized) by alphabet but now we have more than one layer of spice jars and some plastic envelopes of bulk spices that need homes. I’d love to win the Ball Spice jars! Good luck everyone!

  • Ooh, I am jealous of your spice shelves. Mine have taken over a complete upper cabinet by my sink. Herbs and spices on the bottom shelf with those stepped things to make them visible; extracts, colorings, leavening and other odds on the middle shelf; and the top shelf is my overstock shelf – big containers and a basket holding all the Penzey’s bags. I would love the Ball jars, especially since it looks like World Market stopped carrying the little ones I’ve been using!

  • I use a variety of repurposed glass spice jars (simply organic, among others) as well as lots of mason jars of many shapes and sizes. I would love to try these!! Thanks.

  • I keep my herbs in paper bags, ziplock bags, frozen in cubes with olive oil and in glass jars with sealable lids.

  • These are adorable! I sometimes use the bigger jars for spices, but these make so much more sense. I could stand to reorganize my spice rack and these would be the perfect start to that process.

  • Seriously! I was going to post anyway, but then you’re also doing a give away! I adore your shelves and want to know what was behind there so he could punch into the wall like that. I wanted to do that last year in my stairwell and my mother talked me out of it…grr. I WILL pin for sure, because I have a while pintrest board dedicated to jars and the amazing things to do with them, so yeah, duh.

    AND congrats on the wedding! So many happy days!

    -Anna in Alaska

  • Right now, most of my herbs are in containers on the deck growing and waiting to be picked when needed. As for spices, I have a mix of glass and plastic reusable jars that I write or affix labels. I really need to go through my spice cupboard and ditch some old dusty spices.

  • I just planted my very first herb garden this year! I’m a rookie when it comes to storing herbs. Thinking these jars would make a great “first!”

  • I keep changing how I keep my spices, because I can’t find the “perfect” setup for me. But I am pretty happy with how I have them now, on a very unimaginative spice rack in a cupboard. Not a “cool” way, but it keeps them fairly orderly and I can see what I need. 🙂

  • Spices are in all different size and shape glass jars in the cupboard. Also, I keep some in the freezer. Nothing exciting.

  • We use all kinds of jars to store our own dried herbs, dried chiles, and spice blends. Mostly reused glass spice jars and some of those quilted quarter pints you hate. Even reused mayonnaise jars.

  • I use small mason jars to store my herbs and spices. I would love to try out the dry herb jars. They look really cute! 🙂

  • I live in a small Trailer with my partner, and our spices are in their original jars in a small cabinet. I would love to save room and try this!

  • I love all the “new” things that Ball is introducing. I bought their vintage blue jars and love them so much I took one to my office for water.

  • Since I grow lots of my own herbs, these jars would be a classy addition to the cupboard. Right now, herbs are stored in pints, half pints and spice jars.

  • I use mason jars for some of my bulk herbs, and the containers they come in for the rest, but goodness do I love these!

  • I buy them in small bulk amounts that are packaged in tiny zip bags. I work out of the bags as I need them, which isn’t good idea because the contents get in the zip part and the bag never seals right after that. I waste a lot because they become stale in no time. Boy, could I use something better!!

  • I have a chaotic herb and spice storage situation. Some are in the containers they came in, some are in repurposed jars and containers, and then I have a mess of stuff still in baggies from the spice guy at Central Market in Lancaster and from the Indian grocer. These new Ball jars are perfecto! And I agree with you on Ball selling these quarter ounce jars for canning instead of the quilted ones.

  • Gosh, I just have a mess of random jars and baggies. This giveaway prize would really help me organize!

  • I never thought to use jars to dry my herbs, what a great idea!! I always use my mason jars for smoothies, juices, and bulk items like rice and beans.

  • All my spices are stored in a plethora of hodgepodge glass, plastic, and metal containers. I long for the day when they are all switched over to something more uniform!

  • Well, sadly, I moved into a new home recently, leaving my custom built-in 8-shelf spice racks inside two doors of my 42″ cabinets. Now I have spice chaos. They are everywhere, and generally one or more falls onto my head every time I open a cabinet door.

  • My herbs and spices are a total mess in all different containers and bags! These jars look great and would certainly help me organize.

  • I purchase most if my herbs in bulk and store my herbs mainly in mason jars. I save unique shaped jars when empty of other foods. I wash and save them to use for my herbs and storing beans, rice, etc. I love glass jars!!

  • I adopt the multi-use approach to storing herbs. Currently I have rosemary flowers in an open bowl on the counter, rosemary and sage in open jars on the same counter, lavender and chive flowers in plastic bags, and various plastic, glass and metal containers with sharpie labeling to remind me what I have stashed in the cupboard…some nice glass jars with stacking shaker lids would be unbelievable…

  • I use a garage workbench for my kitchen island and the top drawer is entirely spices. I mostly keep them in their original container organized by how often I use them but I do have a fair collection of baggies with small bits of spices in them.

  • Everything is in the pantry, but it’s a hodge podge – some in the jars or bags they came in, some in ziplocs. I would love to see theses jars on my shelf. 🙂

  • I store the bulk spices and herbs in larger mason jars or recycled jars from whatever I have. And use old spice jars and reused smaller jars for my spice drawer spices!

  • I’ve been drying some of my own herbs the past year, and I’ve given some of them away in decorated baby food jars that I couldn’t bear to just toss. The rest of my herbs and spices are kept in their original jars when I bought them. These Ball herb jars are awesome, especially with that opening :o)

  • Herb storage at my house is pretty chaotic and would drop an OCD person to their knees if they ventured a peek. The haphazard (often precarious) stacking of herbs and spices in their mismatched original jars proves to be a dangerous gauntlet especially at mealtime. A quick grab for a favorite from the front row is fairly safe, but if your aim is something more exotic from the back of the cabinet, prepare to unload at least 10 or 20 jars to clear a path. Better don some protective headgear, too. Now, where did I put that jar of saffron?

  • Mine are mostly in what I bought them in, some are plastic bags from the bulk bin. Do these jars have the ability to label the lids? I like being able to see the spice name from the top if I choose to put them in shallow drawers. Thanks for the chance to win!

  • I store mine in small baby food jars or any small jar that I have from something that I used that was in it.
    BUT, I LOVE BALL for coming out with these they are Awesome and I now will organize my spice closet with these fantastice jars. Glad to see Ball is still make GREAT products that even my Grandmother and mother would love!!!!

  • I have some in little tins w/ magnets on the bottom that stick to a metal plate hung in my pantry. Great in theory, except they often get knocked off. The rest are in a fabulous pull out cabinet w/ 3 shelves that accommodate various heights of jars/bottles.

  • My spice situation is challenging at best. Many many TJ’s jars
    Mixed in with this little plastic bags with twist ties full of bulk spices
    Then…. An old Nalgene camping spice kit of un-recognizable camping
    Spices….. Help! Please send the spice paramedics!

  • All over the place – in the cupboard, on top of the fridge, in the closet, in the original container, in Pyrex containers, in plastic baggies. Was just thinking about a different plan today, and am thankful I subscribe to your RSS feed.

  • Mismatched jars swimming around in storage tubs. I save Republic of Tea canisters for the home grown stuff, but you can’t see what’s in them :/ These look like the could work well for dried edible flowers and show off the pretty colors!

  • Most of mine are in the original plastic container from the store and thrown into a big box in my pantry because I just haven’t gotten around to organizing them yet. I have to dig to find anything and it is horrible!

  • My herb and spice storage is a mess! There’s one weensy spice rack on the wall with original glass spice jars that I refill as needed. Mason jars, plastic store-bought spice jars, other jars with cork lids, it’s like a rummage sale up in here! Oh and I would love to participate on the Pinterest Board! (

  • I have a hodge-podge of sizes and shapes of jars crammed into the top of my pantry. Some are old jars reused. Some are old jars with old spices in them. And yes, there are a few new ones.

  • Right now my spices are in many different containers. some glass jars, some plastic bags that I bought them in from the bulk section. Others are ones that I dried myself and just tossed in a snack bag. I could really use a better system. I keep all my pastas and beans in old ball jars, but don’t have enough jelly jars to use for spices. I would love to win !

  • We have an old farm house which means very little storage for anything. All my spices and other kitchen essentials are in Ball glass jars stacked anywhere I can find room. I grow and dry a lot of my own herbs and spices so I do not have the luxury of store bought containers so these containers would be awesome for me!

  • I try to use the good glass jars the spices/herbs come in. Especially the ones from Fresh & Easy. Solid lids with tight seal. I usually keep a few empties around for bulk spices and label accordingly. I would like to try these jars from Ball. Nice size too. CHEERS!

  • Congrats!! I store my herbs & spices in the orig packaging! I know, it’s not good for them or my cabinet!!

  • I generally store my spices and dried herbs in small glass jars in my pull-out spice drawer

  • I store my spices in canning jars, old pickle, olive, jelly jars, decorative jars with corks, zip lock bags, Tupperware…Man do I need a new system! My husband likes the quart canning jars the best with ground cinnamon, ginger, paprika, etc!

  • I store mine in Weck jars. Love them but I think these Ball jars are more practical. Plus they sure are cute.

  • Marisa,
    What do you use to store your water bottles– is that a wine rack? Genius!

    I’m currently in transition from an old magnetic spice jar system to small eclectic (thrifted) glass jars. I would totally love to get my hands on some of those smooth sided 4-oz jars!

  • I store the spices from the garden in whatever I can find, bags, bottle’s, and jars though they never seem to be big enough. Nice spice rack by the way…give’s me ideas.

  • We store them in a pull out drawer. I love the look of the little Ball jars and would love to try them!

  • My spices are a mess. Two cupboards and counters with misc. size jars. I am very excited about the new ball solution.

  • My spices are in random old spice jars that had been previously some other spice. I’ve scribbled the name (maybe) in a sharpie if it’s lucky. Otherwise we just guess what’s in it by where it is placed on the shelf. Some of my spices are in giant Costco-sized plastic containers which I know I will never use before their prime. I feel terrible about that. The reality is that I really need to dump my ancient spices and invest in some delicious fresh ones. These new jars would be just the inspiration I need.

  • My spices take up most of the cupboard to the right and left of the stove in a variety of containers, celophane, glass and plastic.

  • I store my spices in glass jars in a drawer. I wish I had the room for Mason jar spice storage! I’m hoping they’ll sell these lids ala carte. Thanks for the great review!

  • I store all sorts of things in my canning jars, especially the vintage jars that have a unique shape. These spice jar lids also fit on larger jars. I put one on a pint jelly jar and store my Stevia powder in it. Works great!

  • I keep everything in the store bought spice jars and I just reuse them. Some may say vanilla bean, but actually have chili flakes in them! It’s slightly confusing!

  • Ugh! My spices are in totally random holding jars in a drawer, so I have stickers/labels on top to figure out what is what. These look amazing (especially since half of my jars are on their side because they are too tall for the drawer!)

  • I use an assortment of glass spice jars, but I store my spice overages (that I buy in bulk) in maon jars that I vacuum seal. These would sure help and look pretty in my cabinet.

  • I store most of my herbs on the plant because I haven’t found a good way to keep them in jars. I’d love to dry some to have in the kitchen so I won’t have to wander all over the yard picking a sprig of this and a few leaves of that – especially in the rain! These Ball herb jars look like the perfect push I need to change my lazy ways and get some nicely dried and well-organized herbs in the cupboard.

    Thanks for all your good ideas and fun posts!

  • My spices are currently stored in the packages they came in. But I’m trying to streamline my life, and would love these because I could fill them in the bulk-spices section!

  • My herb storage is a huge mess 🙁 I’ve been trying to come up with a good solution for the numerous bags, mismatched spice jars since we moved 2 yrs ago they are just sitting around in a box a basket and it’s a pain to dig around looking for the spices i need. I would love to win some nice spice jars to inspire me to clean up and organize my spice/herb mess.

  • Mine are in a variety of containers- if I buy them in a jar, they stay in that jar. If I buy them in bulk, bags or packets, they are either in an appropriately sized canning jar, or in a baggie. Right now they are in a narrow cabinet in my kitchen that not a lot of other things will fit into, but I need to work on a system to be able to see what is in there.

  • My poor spices are just in the containers that they come in on a shelf. Some others from the garden are just in canning jars. These would be really cool! I wonder if they just sell the lids? Also, your shelves are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win these. 🙂

  • Most of my herbs are currently in 8oz jelly jars, with a few items that we dry ourselves in larger jars (like the 1qt jar of parsley dried from our garden). These would be a most welcome addition to our spice rack!

  • I used the tupperware spice containers for years and have only recently started to move them to glass spice containers.

  • I currently store dried herbs in whatever I can find–small resealable food storage containers, zip lock bags, and reusing jars from store bought spices are the top 3 methods. It would be wonderful to have a better alternative!

  • I currently use old spice jars and random jars from the thrift store. I would love to have matching jars for all my herbs and spices!

  • I store mine mostly in small canning jars. Though I do have a large set of spice jars from an old rack system that I still reuse too!

  • Most of mine are in the original jars. Although I am hoarding the Archer Farms jars to pu my McCormick spice mixes in down the road…and anything from the bulk place goes in them as well. Except the lavender, cinnamon sticks and rose petals. Which live in bail top vintage jars or the like.

  • I currently store my herbs in a series of jars, containers, canisters, and boxes… I could really use a system. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂