How to Find White Grape Juice Concentrate

July 12, 2016

Struggling with how to find white grape juice concentrate to use as a sweetener in canning? I’m here to help!

A canister of apple juice concentrate, which is easier to find than white grape juice concentrate.

In my newest book, Naturally Sweet Food in Jars, I devote an entire chapter to recipes that used 100% fruit juice concentrates as their source of sweetness. Though the work of the developing that book is behind me, those juice concentrates continue to be a favorite tool when I need a relatively neutral natural sweetener.

White grape juice concentrate is my preferred flavor and I reference it in the book often. During the time I was writing the bulk of the recipes in the book (a mere year and a half ago), it could easily get it at both Wegmans and Acme. However, in the last few months, it’s become harder to find (of course!), and I’m hearing from a number of you that you’re also struggling to find it in your stores.

For those of you who are experiencing sourcing issues, don’t give up. There are a few ways around this.

1. Go to your grocery store’s customer service desk and ask if they can special order some for you. Make sure you specify that you want the version that is 100% fruit juice (not fruit cocktail). If you need a brand name, ask for either the one made by Welch’s or the Old Orchard version.

2. Instead of torturing yourself to find the frozen concentrate, boil down a bottle of white grape juice until you have a concentrated strength. Most of the time, it is sold in bottles holding half a gallon, which means you’re starting with eight cups. Cook that down to a syrupy two cups and you’ll be good to go.

3. Use apple juice concentrate instead. However, while it’s more readily available than white grape, it’s not as sweet. To compensate for that intensity, use 25% more apple juice concentrate that you would white grape, to make up for the different in flavor.

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6 thoughts on "How to Find White Grape Juice Concentrate"

  • I have used your blueberry jam recipe for the past 4 years and now I can no longer find frozen white grape juice concentrate. So if I boil down grape juice to 2 cups, is that the amount I would be using…. the same as the frozen amount?
    Thanks so much

    1. Yes! That would be exactly right. However, you could also use purple grape juice with the blueberries since the color will match.

  • I have perhaps a silly question. Based on point #2 above, when you use the juice concentrate I assume it is undiluted and not reconstituted? I’ve done a lot of canning but never with juice. BTW I am really enjoying your book “Naturally Sweet Food in Jars”.

  • This article is helpful bc white grape juice concentrate is not sold ANYWHERE anymore!! I live in Bryan/College Station Texas.

  • I haven’t looked for it this summer, but Wal-Mart has had it the last few years I’ve needed it (whereas Meijer did not).