Last night, I found myself in a Twitter conversation with an acquaintance about canning books. She was looking for something to take her beyond the simple freezer preserving she did last summer into something more ambition and jar-based. I first told her to check out the cookbooks she already had. Any edition (even the most recent and modern volumes) of the Joy of Cooking, Fannie Farmer, Betty Crocker or Better Homes and Gardens cookbooks will detail the basic steps of canning. If you’re good at following written directions (admittedly, not everyone is), there’s enough there to get you started. You’ll find sensibly written instructions with a nice-sized collection of recipes.
After recommending that she check those all-purpose cookbooks out, I gave her list of some of my favorite canning, pickling and preserving books. However, I inadvertently left one of the best (and cheapest) canning resources around off the list. The Ball Blue Book of Preserving, which has been continually published in yearly editions since 1909, is a terrific book for someone who wants to expand into more exotic recipes and pickling techniques. It typically costs somewhere between $4.95 to $8.95, depending on where you buy it, which keeps it fairly affordable. It’s also often sold right in the grocery store next to the canning jars, lids and pectins (if you live in the city, I warn you that you’re going to have a harder time finding an in-store copy. I found mine at Giant in Lancaster).
One thing to keep in mind about any canning instructions you follow is that it’s always a good idea to cross-check the details with the latest safety recommendations, like those that you can find here.
And, if you’re curious, some of the other canning books I recommended last night were Putting Up: A Seasonal Guide to Canning in the Southern Tradition, Well-Preserved: Recipes and Techniques for Putting Up Small Batches of Seasonal Foods
, The Joy of Pickling, Revised Edition: 250 Flavor-Packed Recipes for Vegetables and More from Garden or Market
(although I have the older edition), Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It: And Other Cooking Projects
and So Easy to Preserve, a plastic-bound book out of the University of Georgia’s extension service that has a bit of folksiness that hearkens back to the days of truly useful community cookbooks.
I can’t explain why, but Ace Hardware always seems to carry them, even in cities (provided you can find an Ace in a city).
You can get the Ball Blue Book at Fante’s in the Italian Market, along with jars, lids, tongs, lid lifters, etc.
Thanks for the tip!
Hey, thanks for answering my twitter question — and following up here!
Pam and Liz: My ACE hardware also always has lots of canning supplies.
I’m delighted to hear that Ace hardware carries so much in the way of canning supplies! Sadly, I don’t have one in my immediate area, but you better believe that I’m pulling over next time I pass one.
Ace hardware is where I find all my canning supplies. My favorite book is the small batch one.
Besides Ball Blue Book of Canning I really like “Putting Food By” by Janet Greene
I can’t explain why, but Ace Hardware always seems to carry them, even in cities (provided you can find an Ace in a city).