We’re wrapping up the second week of making for the February Food in Jars Mastery Challenge. So many people have already shared their finished projects with me on Facebook and Instagram and it’s been so fun to see all of your salt preserving projects.
At the bottom of this page, you’ll find the form I’m using to collect this month’s projects (and if you don’t see it at the bottom of the page, you can also find it here). This month, there are four required fields. I’m asking you tell me is your name, the name of your project, the city where you live (just so we can see the kind of geographic distribution), mark a check-box telling me what category your preserve (or preserves, if you made more than one) fell into.
Those are the only details I need to count you among the participants, but like last month, more fields do exist on the form. There’s a space to share a link to your project. That link can go to a blog post, a specific picture on Instagram, a Tweet, a post on Tumblr, or to a picture on Flickr or Google Photos. Just remember that you need to set your privacy settings so that wherever your post is, it is publicly available.
With more than 1,600 people signed up for this challenge, I cannot do a comprehensive round-up. However, just like last month, I will do my very best to link out to as many people as I can, though.
Please remember that the deadline to submit your salt preserve in order to be counted in the monthly total is Monday, February 27 (because let’s face it, I’m not going to be working on the round-up until the 28th anyway).
Oh, and if you’ve been sitting on the fence about participating, I’ve expanded the March topic a little. We’re going to be making both jellies and shrubs. Join us!
Hey, looks like my submission after February 27 worked! I have no problem not being considered among the other submissions, but still would love you to know that I accomplished this (even if a little late) all because of your challenge. Yay! Thank you!!
I missed the submission deadline two months in a row now. Hopefully next month, I’ll be on the ball. I made something for January and two salt preserved items for February. Loving the challenges thus far.
I submitted mine and then my computer crashed. Can you let me know if my submission sent please? Thanks!
Ack! I can’t remember if I already filled out the form or not. So if you see two from me, sorry. :/
I meant… So excited for this challenge that I might have filled it out twice! 😀
Hi ! The web form doesn’t seem to allow me to fill in the fields for the February challenge.
That’s strange. I just checked it and it’s performing fine for me. Perhaps try a different browser?
Just in time. I *just* finished screwing on the lid of my jar.
I did oranges as that’s what I got for free. They’re not sour. I suspect they are Valencias from someone’s back yard tree. I had four and could have fit all four if I had really squished them but instead I did three and juiced the last one. I didn’t have enough juice so I’ll be picking up a few lemons tomorrow to juice and add.
I used two combined recipes.
I mixed the following spice blend: Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves, Cardamom, Ginger, Turmeric, Peppercorns, Anise seeds. Tomorrow I’ll pick up a few Juniper berries along with the lemons.
I mixed a half cup Kosher salt with a quarter cup of Turbinado sugar.
I cut the oranges into 8 sliced, then halved them crosswise.
I put in the 16 bits of the first orange, sprinkled it with spices, then added the salt mixtured, then repeated for the other two oranges. I juiced the last orange and poured it over, then squished it all down with a ladle. I’ve got some room on top so may pick up an organic orange tomorrow when I pick up the lemons and Juniperberries.
In 2-4 weeks I’ll move it into the refrigerator.
I used this recipe:
and used this one for some additional flavor ideas: