Hey folks! I am very late in posting this reminder to participate in the July mastery challenge, but I have a good excuse. On June 28, I went to a regular OB appointment, was diagnosed with preeclampsia, and spent nearly two weeks in the hospital.
My twin boys were born early in the morning on July 12 and have been in the NICU ever since. So, I’ve been a little distracted.
However, I did want to drop in and remind you that if you like to can in community, we’re focusing in on Stonefruit this month. That includes cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, and plums.
There is a huge well of recipes on this site for this category of fruit. Click one of the links below to explore a particular fruit!
Congratulations from another mother of twins here! Two girls who also made a sudden entrance into the world.
They are now three and we just made our first batch of jam!
Every parent of twins has told me.this and so far it is true: It does get easier …but it never gets easy.
Thank you!
Wow, congratulations! I came to your site to learn how to make marmalade for the first time and thought, maybe I’ve recovered enough from birthing 5 babies in 6 years to join the August challenge. Not seeing one, I poked around and found this most EXCELLENT reason for there not being one posted. Enjoy your wonderful babies!
Congrats! Being a new parent of twins is hard work. As a parents of twins, my wife and I sometimes look at each other and still say, “I can’t believe we had twins.” My lovely wife spent 6 weeks in the hospital on bedrest due to preterm labor. They were born at 35 weeks. They’ll be 20 in September. It’s tough now. But it gets better. Everyday is better. Take care of yourself. Sleep when you can, eat when you can.
Thank you! It’s always so good to hear from people who have been there!
Congratulations on your twin boys. Mine were born at 35 weeks and weighed around the same as your two, 4 pounds and 3 pounds 12 ounces. They both spent a week in the NICU. They are now 16 years old and thriving teenagers. Embrace the chaos of twins. Accept help when offered.
Thanks for all of your work on your blog and recipes. We all recognize that you might be a little short on time in the coming weeks and months as you settle into your new routine.
Congrats on the birth of your little guys! We will hold you and your family in our hearts. Motherhood is the bomb!
Thanks so much, Sharon!
SO nice to see this post this morning and hear that you and your boys are doing well! Actually you have kind of amazed me listening to your schedule on the Local Mouthful podcast before you went into the hospital. I was truly impressed about the care you took in feeding yourself and your boys. You’ve inspired me to get back into canning and preserving in spite of my busy schedule, I am on the opposite end of the spectrum taking care of my 2 parents in their mid-80s, but I miss preserving food for my family and friends. What better time to get back into canning than summer with all its wonderful bounty! Best to you all!
Thanks so much, Carrie! In hindsight, I might have tried to do too much during my pregnancy before being hospitalized, but it all worked out in that we all came out of the experience safe and healthy. I’m delighted that I helped get you back into canning. I hope your friends and family are appreciative of your efforts!
Congratulations Marissa and Hubby!
Sending you all kinds of positive vibes and good karma. Must be super stressful – take good care.
Thank you so much!
Omg! Marissa, Congratulations to you and your husband! Twins!! I just read your recent post! Never mind my recent question about the plum jam on another post! I’m very happy for you! I’ll be thinking of you and I hope you’ll all be home soon. You take care of yourself, I think there are enough of us out there to help each other out if we have questions!
Thanks so much!
Congratulations on your delivery of the boys, and here’s hoping and praying for their continued growth & improvement. And with all the concern about the little ones, don’t forget to take care of yourselves.
Thank you! I’m really doing my best to take care of myself, as hard as it is with two babes in the NICU.
Congratulations and hope they are home soon. You must post a picture. We will carry on canning. Don’t worry. You take care of your family!!!!!!
PS they diagnosed me same way. My son is 30 and all was fine.
Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear you made it through the same diagnosis without issue. And I’ve been sharing pictures over on my personal Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/marisakleinmcclellan/
Congratulations to you and your husband! I hope your babies get to come home soon (((hugs)))
We love cherries, so I will be making something delicious with them. Take care.
Thank you! We’re hoping at least one of the boys will be home this weekend or early next week. The littler guy is probably going to need a bit more time to gain weight and get a less sleepy.
Congratulations! Babies always come first!
Thank you!
Apricots!! and Tart Cherries are just coming into the markets right now and I’m ready!
OMG! Congratulations and I hope you and your bebe’s are healthy and they’re ready to go home soon! Sis had same sitch (but only 1 boy) and he’s a healthy, thriving 4 yo today.
Thank you! Tart cherries and apricots are the best!
WOW! How are you doing? How are they doing? How much do they weigh? (I think I’m headed toward How long will they be in NICU?) Do you need any NICU knitting? Congrats all around!
We’re all doing pretty well! I’m definitely still tired, but it’s getting better each day. The boys are currently 4 pounds, 9 ounces and 3 pounds 13 ounces. They are working their way to bigger weights and are doing great. The bigger guy might be coming home as early as this weekend, but the littler one is going to need more time.
You go be as distracted as necessary with those boys! Sending prayers and good vibes that y’all do well and everyone is home soon.
Thank you!
On your twin boys! They will surely keep you busy. Glad all worked out ok for your new family.
Thanks so much!