According to the random number generator, the winner of this week’s jar of Orange-Ginger Marmalade is the lovely E. She is an extremely talented baker (you can check our her cakes at Northern Liberties’ A Full Plate Cafe) and blogger (find her at Foodaphilia and The Sugar). Her win is particularly lucky for me, as I’ll be seeing her tonight at the Philly Food Blogger potluck (oh how I love me a good potluck!).
This weekend, depending on what the Rittenhouse Square Farmers’ Market yields, I’ll either be making Pickled Asparagus (using a recipe based on the one in Linda Ziedrich’s The Joy of Pickling) or Vanilla-Rhubard Jam (recipe plucked from the depths of my brain). If they have both, well then, good times will truly be had by all.
I never win anything, I’m so excited!!!
Me again. Just noticed you’re in Philly? And what on earth is the Philly Food Bloggers potluck? Tell me more!
(I’m obviously the Philly sister.)