Links: Strawberries, Rhubarb, Mulberries, and Winners

June 19, 2017(updated on June 19, 2024)

Every so often, I forget how to blog. I realize that that might sound like a strange statement from someone who has been writing on the internet on a near-daily basis since 2005, but it’s true. It most often happens when I go out of town, when I go through a really busy period of working on other projects, or when I stop cooking on a regular basis. Recently, it’s been a combination of all three.

But I’m home for at least a month now, the pace of my other work feels manageable, and recent trips to the farmers market have me feeling inspired to cook. My head feels clear and the words are flowing. Let’s read through some links!

Last week, I offered up a copy of Fiery Ferments for giveaway. The winner of this fabulous book is #5/Ryan G. Congratulations Ryan! And for those of you who didn’t win, check back in soon. I have a number of terrific giveaways coming up in the next few weeks.

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