Links: Rhubarb, Cordials, and Winners

June 9, 2014(updated on April 27, 2023)
Friday brunch and reading material. Asian Pickles by @bolognarose is officially out next week!

On Tuesday, I leave for a week on the road in Ohio and western Pennsylvania. I’ll be home for all of two days before heading out again for two weeks on the west coast. I’ve been obsessively making lists of things I need to take and details still needing to be tended (must arrange for someplace to stay in San Francisco!).

Of course, with all these tasks and to-dos swimming around, the thing that is most concerning me is that I’m probably going to miss Philadelphia’s sour cherry season (and possibly, apricots as well). I will simply remain hopeful that I’ll be able to get my hands on my two favorite stonefruits when I get back. Now, links!

pickling crock square

I actually have couple giveaway updates! The first is that the winner of the MightyNest plastic-free produce packaging giveaway from two weeks ago is Emily Sausville!

The winner of the Pacific Merchants $100 gift card giveaway is Jodi M.! And if you didn’t win, don’t forget about the discount code! It’s good through June 16. Just type in “foodinjars15″ at check out for 15% off your order.

There will be more giveaway goodness soon, so stay tuned!

Sharing is caring!

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One thought on "Links: Rhubarb, Cordials, and Winners"

  • Yeah, that tip on using only the pink rhubarb parts explains why my rhubarb butter came out a puce color. At least it’s still edible!!