Links: End of Season Stonefruit and Winners

October 7, 2013(updated on April 27, 2023)
Using up the last egg. Good thing there's a farmers market tomorrow

Most weeks, I use this space above these links to share some of what’s going on in my life. This week, things have been blessedly quiet in my household, so instead, I’m sharing a little tidbit from my singer songwriter sister’s life.

About a year ago, I helped Raina set up a blog called Fam on the Road, so that she and her husband could share bits and pieces of their lives as touring musicians and parents. On Friday, she posted an open letter as a response to all the craziness that’s been going down in the world of Miley Cyrus, Sinead O’Connor, and Amanda Palmer and it’s truly lovely, both in the writing and in the sentiment. If you have a moment, I highly encourage you to read it.

Now, onto the links…

Big Mouth Funnels
bigmouth funnel winners

So many thanks to everyone who took the time to enter last week’s Bigmouth Flat Pack Funnel giveaway. It was such a kick to read about all the different pieces of kitchen and cookware that you’d like to see redesigned. Who knows, maybe someday it will happen! The winners are:

Sharing is caring!

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6 thoughts on "Links: End of Season Stonefruit and Winners"

  • I’m thrilled to have these! They will be used in the kitchen, but I’m excited to know that they can be put into my go-bag for emergency evacuations. I use funnels every day; usually my canning funnel, but others of all sizes, too. Here in hurricane country we all stay prepared for anything that blows our way, but today I learned that wonderful things can blow my way, too! Thank you so much, Marisa!

    1. Dear Laura – congratulations on your win. We would be most grateful for any comments or photos on our facebook page once you have had a chance to try out the

  • Hi Marisa! Thanks, as always, for the nice shout-out. I have my eye on that plum conserve….beautiful.

    Hope you’re well! –S

  • Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
    I’m off to start making / canning up some Caramel Apple Butter
    Enjoy your day