Jars on Vacation Ireland Edition

April 30, 2018

Last month, Scott and I spent 12 days in Ireland. This trip proved to be exactly the vacation we both needed and I came home feeling refreshed in a way that I haven’t been in ages. We spent our time exploring historic sites, walking many miles a day, and eating as much Irish butter as two humans can reasonable hold.

Since Ireland is a very jar-friendly country, I thought it was high time to bring back the Jars on Vacation post. Here are just some of the jar images I shot while away!

Our first night, we stayed at Ghan House in Carlingford. The room had a charming tea service, complete with jar of shortbread cookies. Scott was quite pleased.

The next morning, the breakfast featured a lazy Susan with an impressive nine homemade preserves.

While in Cork, we wandered into Sostrene Grene (a shop I desperately wish would come to the US). I really wanted one of these hobnailed jars, but knew that it would be hard to get home.

Heinz pickles in Belfast. Why don’t we have all these lovely varieties here?

Le Parfait!


All sorts of fermented goodies at the Midleton farmers market.

I wish my canned cherry tomatoes remained so intact!

McClure’s pickles in Ireland!

Sharing is caring!

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5 thoughts on "Jars on Vacation Ireland Edition"

  • About those hobnailed jars…. can you share more about where they come from? Whoa! I might have to start an import business…

  • Thanks for this quick vicarious trip! We spent a lot of our honeymoon in Ireland – this post makes me very nostalgic.

  • Thanks for sharing. I was following you on Instagram. Love the jars. Especially the hobnails.

  • Loved the pics of Scott holding the jars! Looks like a fabulous vacation. My mom so wanted to go to Ireland until I told her cost of what it would be. She changed her mind. I was ready to go if that would make her happy. She is very frugal and that made the decision. Glad you had a great time!