Giveaway: Mrs. Wages Pickle Sampler Pack

July 3, 2017

This week’s Pickle Sampler giveaway comes to us from long-time Food in Jars sponsor Mrs. Wages. I’ve been doing a bit of work with the folks from Mrs. Wages for the last seven(!) years and one element of our annual partnership is that they always offer up one or two awesome baskets of their mixes, spices, and starters for me to give away to my wonderful readers. This summer is no exception!

This is the first of two baskets of canning helpers that I’ll be giving away from Mrs. Wages this summer. This basket contains nearly every pickle product that Mrs. Wages makes, which should delight the pickle lovers. Here’s exactly what’s in the basket.

To enter for a chance to win this basket of pickle making goodness, please use the widget below. Open to US and Canadian residents. Void where prohibited.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: Mrs. Wages is a Food in Jars sponsor and so contributes to the ongoing operation of this site. This giveaway is part of our annual partnership.

Sharing is caring!

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97 thoughts on "Giveaway: Mrs. Wages Pickle Sampler Pack"

  • I did my first pickling of the year yesterday, and these spices would be very helpful for the rest of season. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  • My mom was usually the one in the kitchen, except when it came to making pickles – that was my dad’s job. He used fresh cucumbers from his garden and I helped.

  • I made lemon infused pickles with lemon cucumbers ? A few years ago and won a blue ribbon in the state fair!!!!

  • The first time I canned pickles was in class given by my CSA. But the BEST time was when I realized I could slice the big long cucumbers and make hamburger dills–which my husband eats by the case!

  • My cucumber vines are starting to bloom and I will be pickleing soon. Could really use these supplies.

  • My favorite pickle making memory is helping my Grandma make pickles when I was a child. Every year we made dill, bread and butter and watermelon rind pickles. My favorite was her “end of the garden” pickles in the fall. These were made with the tiny green tomatoes just before the frost killed the vines, carrots, peppers and pretty much everything else that hadn’t been picked yet. The bigger green tomatoes went into making green tomato mincemeat, which was used for holiday pies and cookies.

  • I remember making pickles with my mother when I was a little girl. We used her grandmother’s recipe for garlic dill pickles. So delicious.

  • I’d like to try my hands at a very garlicky crunchy pickle this year, in previous years my pickles get too soft.

  • My Mom has a crock that belonged to her Grandmother and she would always make mustard pickles once a year when we were growing up, they were strong but so good.

  • I don’t have any pickle MAKING memories yet, but I have lots and lots of pickle EATING memories! I’m looking forward to making my first batch of pickles this year.

  • I must say I have not one specific pickling memory that is my favorite, but I Do remember the smell and coolness of my grandmother’s canning cellar. And pulling one of the cobs of corn she was pickling in her huge crock. I could suck on those little ears of corn for hours as a small child.!

  • When my children were younger I made bread & butter refrigerator pickles with cucumbers straight from the farm. My 18 year old son still requests those pickles & he’s been quite a pickle fan ever since.

  • When I was about 7 we were visiting my grandparents house and grandma was making Bread & Butter chips using zucchini from the garden. Until then I thought I hated pickles and zucchini, but I was hooked. She let me help with the slicing and packing into jars. I’ve been canning ever since!

  • So far, the best pickling memories are anything to do with the pickled blueberries. My whole household has gone bonkers for them. I sent some to friends living overseas and they went bonkers for them. I take them to food swaps, and people go bonkers for them.

  • I remember eating containers-full of freezer pickles with club crackers at my grandparent’s home as a child. I love them and making them still brings back memories!

  • I remember making spicy Chinese refrigerator pickles with my grandmother. I eventually moved into canned and fermented pickles, but this memory always stands out. Those pickles were a crazy glistening red from the chili oil, but we’re a perfect blend of crisp, sweet, salty, sour and just a bit spicy….

  • My grandpa grew a large garden, and part of our summer routine was helping prepare and can. That range from shelling peas to snapping green beans. I never helped her make the pickles, but I can remember the finished product of home made bread and butter from a mason jar.

  • I remember making garlic dills in the hot, TX summer and having a hard time waiting a week to open a jar.

  • I used the Mrs. Wage’s Dill Pickle Mix last year as I have not been satisfied with previous attempts at dill pickles. With the mix they were exactly as I was hoping for!

  • My favorite memory of making pickles is being with my mom, grandma and aunts and making an assembly line to make batches and batches of pickles for our family! I now do the same with my kiddos! Such a tradition!

  • We make Indian pickle. It wa always a family affair with everyone getting together and making it for all the families.

  • When I was little, my grandma and I made a batch of pickles using her father’s recipe. I remember them being SO delicious! This is a good reminder to me that I need to see if she still has that recipe. 🙂

  • What a great giveaway! I make pickles all the time, but this year will be the first with home-grown cucumbers. Can’t wait for them to be ready!

  • I find, too late, that I maybe shouldn’t have shared my pickles quite so freely! 🙂 This will make it possible to replace those I gave away.

  • I stopped pickling for a while since I was moving so much (4 times in 1.5 years!) Now that I’m settling in to my new place, can’t wait to start pickling again! This would really set me up!

  • Would LOVE this. Our Farmers Market has a wonderful selection of pickling cukes!

    Mary Osborne
    San Pedro, CA

  • My family’s favorite has always been “Sweet Bread and Butter Pickles”… for the refrigerator. I like a bite to my pickles so choose ‘dill’.

  • Last year I purchased a case of cucumber from the farmers market to make relish. It was a hard few days but WOW was it worth it. I still have reish from that batch we use it all the time.

  • I’ve got both National Pickling cucumbers and Sumter cucumbers growing in my garden and I can’t wait for pickling season! This basket from Mrs. Wages looks great!

  • I don’t plant cucumbers every year, we don’t always want pickles – but this year I have planted cucumbers so this would be a perfect excuse for a community pickle making party.

  • My favorite memory would be the first time I make bread and butter pickles from cucumbers we grew in our garden.

  • My favourite pickling memories are of when all the women in my family (grandmother, mother, sister, aunts, cousins) would get together and do up massive batches of pickles for the year. Now that my grandmother is gone, we still make pickles in family units, and I include my own daughter in the process!

  • I’ve always only made Mrs. Wage’s Old South Cucumber Lime Pickles. It would be interesting to try something different.

  • I remember my grandmother making pickles. She left them at our house (forgot them actually) and had to send spices for the next steps. She told my mother to “let him do it, because you will mess them up.” Ha ha, she always had confidence in my cooking/canning skills

  • My very ever first batch of dills; all was going well until I opened the pressure canner after processing!…Oh my:(

  • I Love all pickles. Last year’s bread and butter was a big hit also the refrigerated ones.

  • I wish I had some kind of pickle-making memory. At least, one that stands out as good. I’ve had some disasters over the years… Mostly mushy or too-salty pickles. I stick to stuff like green beans and squash for pickling now.

  • Used Mrs. Wages Mild Salsa mix yesterday. These products are a great addition to any canner’s kitchen.

  • Love you and Mrs. Wage’s! After a life-changing breakup and ugly divorce two years ago I’m finally getting back to things that I am passionate about. It’s time to get back to pickle and relish-making, the county fair awaits!

  • I have made several quick pickles, and make cucumber relish every year, however I have always wanted to try traditional pickles

  • A close friend of my family ask me to can bread and butter pickles with her when I was 19 years old and newly married. It was an all day canning time. She always canned enough to last her family for 2 years and we shared the results. I had 2 cases of pickles to take home and a love for canning. 60 years later I’m still canning everything I can and just started using Mrs. Wages last year and love them.

  • Memory; starting as a young child canning pickles with my mom. She always had a very large garden so done A lot of canning back in the day.
    My favorite was the home canned sweet pickles along with Bread N Butter pickles she / we made.
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway opportunity

  • The first time I made bread & butter pickles I couldn’t wait for them to cure. Finally around Thanksgiving I was able to open my first jar and share it with my new in-laws. To my horror I had missed the part of the recipe that said to put in the sugar ingredient!

  • My favorite memory is of my Grandma making her saurkraut. We were so excited to keep an eye on the bloom. It was always a fun project. And weinies and saurkraut have always been one of my favorite meals.

  • Our cucumbers aren’t doing so well this year…but there’s always hope! We used Mrs. Wages relish mix years ago and plan to try it again this year.

  • I haven’t made pickles for a few years. I think I’m ready for a major pickling session and such a wonderful prize would be exactly what I would need!!

  • I keep meaning to try doing my own cucumbers but keep failing to do so. This would give me no excuse to NOT do them this year 🙂

  • Last year my sister and brother-in-law planted ghost peppers…yowza! So we used a bunch of them by putting a sliver in jars of pickles. It made for some yummy spicey pickles that weren’t too crazy hot that the wimps in the family (me!) couldn’t enjoy them.

  • What I love most about making pickles is the excitement… finding the cutest tiny cukes for sweet gherkins at a farmer’s market stand, harvesting the best green beans from my own garden, my sons and I mixing up the tastiest spices for the brine… thinking about the finished product is almost as much fun as eating them when they’re done! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • my grandma used to send bread and butter pickles to us for Christmas every year – military family living far away from home. I now make the same pickles

  • My mom and I used to make lots of sweet pickle relish every year. I loved getting to grind up all the pickles in the old metal grinder, clamped to the countertop.

  • A favorite memory? Hmm……I guess it’s kind of a new one but I’ve been proudly remembering last Monday when I made a tiny batch of purslane stem quick pickles in about 15 minutes….record time for me! When I’m canning I usually take forever to finish up!

  • I just made a tremendous batch of pickles, and my cucumber plants are already dripping with more cucumbers. I’m running out of ideas! What a great giveaway 🙂