A Good Canning Cookbook

April 8, 2010(updated on January 23, 2023)

Canning and Preserving with Ashley English is an excellent canning cookbook for beginning canners and more experienced preservers alike.

Canning & Preserving with Ashley English

Goodness, the time has been flying lately. It’s been nearly a week since I posted (although, I’m firmly of the belief that the Pear Cake deserved every moment of its time in the spotlight) and this fresh, new month is a full seven days old. That also means that the deadline for this month’s Can Jam is rapidly approaching (just two more weeks)! If you’re still stumped for ideas as to how to incorporate herbs into a canning recipe, I’ve got the perfect canning cookbook for you!

Cherry and lemon thyme marmalade recipe

Canner, chicken keeper, cheesemaker and all-around homesteading renaissance woman Ashley English has written a beautiful book devoted to the art of canning called (of all things) Homemade Living: Canning & Preserving with Ashley English. It contains all you need to know to transform you from an absolute canning novice into a someone deeply comfortable with the many aspects of food preservation.

meyer lemon and lemon verbena curd recipe

What’s more (and this is where the Can Jam comes in), many of her recipes tweak the old classics with the addition of fresh or dried herbs. That Meyer Lemon and Lemon Verbena Curd sounds pretty spectacular (please excuse the blur, I was speedily trying to photograph the book before the last afternoon sunlight slipped away).

herbed pickled asparagus

For the pucker fans in the crowd, this Herbed Pickled Asparagus sounds pretty delightful. She’s even included many herbs in her basic pickling brine recipe, which means you could take it as a starting place and head off in any number of directions. Personally, I’m thinking of swapping in rhubarb in her Peach and Lavender Butter.

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9 thoughts on "A Good Canning Cookbook"

  • What a gorgeous book! I’ll add it to my Amazon cart. I just ordered Well-Preserved after checking it out of the library for the 8th time. Bone has a conserve in there that uses thyme, so maybe I can make that. I’ve got sage growing wild in my yard — any ideas for sage? 😉

  • lovely pics of ashley’s book marisa! …and on your possible pick for this month’s can jam, i can vouch for the pairing of lavender and rhubarb, it’s absolutely one of my favorites. 🙂

  • I began to reserve the book from the library only to realize that my request was number 11 for one copy. That means it would take over a year before my number was called. Into the Amazon cart it goes. If it does not float my boat, I can always give it away on the blog.

    P.S. I already have my Can Jam planned for this month. So excited!

  • I came across your blog recently whilst looking for recipes for mustard. It’s a wonderful blog!

    Aww, this isn’t available in the UK yet! One of my favourite preserving books is Prserves (River Cottage Handbook Number 2) by Pam Corbin. Looks like there are some lovely unusual recipes in the one you have reviewed here, but I’ll just have to wait!

  • what a lovely treat to find in my inbox this morning (i subscribe to your site)! thank you so very much for the literary love!

  • Damn, and I already have meyer lemon curd in the fridge. Maybe if I added thyme to cookies for a sandwich?

  • I love adding herbs to jams & jellies. One of my faves this past year was caramelized apple marmalade with thyme. I used lemon thyme and it was so perfect, adds a little touch of goodness to an already great recipe!

  • Hi there, I have been silently following your blog for a few weeks now.
    This book looks like an interesting one. I have never add herbs to my jams before. This year just might be the year I “change” my ways.

  • Looks like a wonderful book – just entered your giveaway for her whole set. But if I don’t win I will definetly look for it to check out!!